Trump profits from job growth, leaving impotent stalemates almost unbalanced


By NCC: To date, you've probably heard that the US economy created 236,000 jobs in April. Hourly earnings increased and the unemployment rate fell to 3.6%.

The last time it was so low, it was a few months after the United States sent a man to the moon! The launch of Apollo 11 took place in 1969.

The April report puts another feather in the hands of President Donald Trump, who must be commended, like him or not, for improvements in the US economy.

In the run-up to the 2020 elections, who wish to qualify for a second term, solid economic numbers augur well for him. For Democrats looking to beat him, the numbers are bad news. They presented no viable economic strategy to defeat Trump, which raises the question:

"How are you campaigning against economic prosperity?"

CNN said what!

While some Democrats who run for president recognize that the economy is better, their thanks are self-evident. They diverge on many issues that ultimately do little to reduce Trump's economic success.

Even CNN had to admit that Trump did something good:

"The [jobs report] Following the announcement of much faster US economic growth than expected in the first quarter, Trump's economic performance is one of its key strengths for next year's general election. "

The network then revealed that, according to CNN polls, Trump's assessment of the economy is "significantly above the 50% mark."

Dem Strategy

The Democrats have largely crafted their strategy to defeat Trump over his north-pointing moral compass. Now that the story of Russian collusion is almost dead, they are trying to resurrect it by investigating the results of the investigation!

Although the high number of jobs in April became viral Friday morning, Democrats remained obsessed with Attorney General William Barr.

It is understandable that their horror of Donald Trump is at the origin of this fixation.

However, it is staggering that they do not understand that this deception will cost them dearly at the polls. The surveys lead to a lot of fodder to try to put Trump in a bad light. On the same note, the intelligence of voters continues to be rejected by the Democrats who still do not understand, "it's stupid economy."

All this jazz on the Mueller report; who lied to whom, when and why is the noise.

Magic wands

People are reminded of some very arrogant comments by President Obama. Meanwhile, his vice president, Joe Biden, tries to defend the case of his country.

Obama said that there was no "magic wand" that Trump could use to improve the economy.

It may not be a magic wand, but it's a big stick. Trump has renegotiated its trade policies, lifted heavy regulations and taken other measures that have heightened the sentiments of consumers and businesses.

Democrats who want to highlight the weaknesses of Trumps to win votes will be caught in a rude awakening by 2020, as in November 2016.


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