Trump promises to release FISA documents now that Mueller investigation is concluded and the FBI is betrayed


President Trump, in an exclusive interview Wednesday night with "Hannity" of Fox News, has promised to make public the full and not yet redacted mandates of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and related documents used by the FBI to investigate on his campaign. to "get to the bottom" of the beginning of the story of collusion with Russia.

Trump told anchor Sean Hannity that his lawyers had previously advised him not to take this dramatic step for fear that this could be considered a hindrance to justice.

"Yes, I have the intention to declassify and release.I have the intention to release absolutely," Trump said. "I have very talented people working for me, lawyers, they really did not want me to do it early."

Trump also accused FBI officials of "treason", calling "terrible" former FBI director James Comey, former CIA director John Brennan, and the chairman of the intelligence committee. of the House Democrat, Adam Schiff, criminals.

The redacted versions of previously published FISA documents revealed that the FBI relied heavily on documents produced by Christopher Steele, a former British anti-Trump spy working for a firm funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, to to monitor Carter Page. At least one top Justice official was apparently afraid that Steele was unreliable, according to text messages exclusively obtained last week by Fox News.

The leak of the file and the related surveillance of the FBI triggered a media frenzy over an alleged Russia-Trump collusion that ended on Sunday with a groan when it was revealed that the Special Advisor's investigation Robert Mueller had concluded that there was no evidence of such a plot despite several offers of the Russians to help the Trump campaign. Page has never been accused of wrongdoing.


Citing a high-level source, Kentucky GOP senator Rand Paul said on Wednesday that former CIA anti-trump director John Brennan had brought the case internally. Fox News has not independently verified Paul's source.

"I think Brennan is really a sick person," Trump said, sharply criticizing Brennan's "horrific" claims in recent weeks that Trump himself had committed treason. "I think there's something wrong with him."

DOSSIER - In record photo, May 23, 2017, former CIA Director, John Brennan, testifies at Capitol Hill, Washington, in front of the Investigation Task Force of Russia's Intelligence Committee on Russia. President Donald Trump revokes security clearance of former CIA director, former Obama administration, Brennan (AP Photo / Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)

DOSSIER – In record photo, May 23, 2017, former CIA Director, John Brennan, testifies at Capitol Hill, Washington, in front of the Investigation Task Force of Russia's Intelligence Committee on Russia. President Donald Trump revokes security clearance of former CIA director, former Obama administration, Brennan (AP Photo / Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)
(Copyright 2017 The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved.)

Brennan has been one of the most virulent and virile voices to defend the theory of Russian collusion over the past two years, falsely claiming just a few weeks ago that special advocate Robert Mueller likely predicted to indict family members of the Trump administration in a scene reminiscent of that of "ides de mars" and the assassination of Julius Caesar. He has since implied that he had "bad information".

A few hours earlier on Wednesday, Trump had made it known that he was excited to appoint a second special council to examine the origins of the investigation into Russia when it would have occurred at a meeting with Republican senators, told Fox News a source close to the discussions.


In an apparent shooting on former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Trump also told Hannity "that all this would not have happened" had Attorney General William Barr been under his administration from the beginning.

"If you wrote this as a novel, nobody would buy it, it would be a failure, because it would be too incredible," Trump said. "We are getting to the bottom of things – it can never happen to a president anymore – it was a shame and an embarrassment for our country … I hope it's a good thing. they will not get away with it.

"We will have to see how it all started, but I will leave that to other people, including the Attorney General and others, to make that decision," Trump said. "In fifty years, in 100 years, if someone tries the same thing, he must know that the penalty will be very very heavy if and when he gets caught."

Trump also criticized Schiff, D-Calif., Who strongly insisted that investigations be conducted on possible Trump-Russia links. "Schiff is a bad guy, he knew that he was lying – he is not a model – for a year and a half, he was running away and telephoning CNN and others. watch out, so pious … He knew it was a lie and he was in the back room with his friends from the Democratic Party and they would laugh like crazy, in a way, one could say that It's a crime what he did – he made statements that he knew were wrong, he is a shame for our country. "

The president insisted that the US should maintain "good relations" with Russia and China, but that "false information" and "nonsense" distorted its intentions into more sinister acts.

REPORT - In this photo from March 22, 2018, Representative Adam Schiff, D-Calif., Senior House Intelligence Committee Officer, leaves a secure area to speak to reporters at Capitol Hill, Washington. Although the findings of the special council remain unknown, Trump is increasingly convinced that the report would produce what he insisted from the beginning: no clear evidence of a plot between Russia and the Trump campaign. And the president and his closest advisers are now thinking about how to turn those possible discoveries into weapons. A subtle change is underway among congressional Democrats, who have long believed that the report would provide damning evidence against the President. (AP Photo / J. Scott Applewhite)

REPORT – In this photo from March 22, 2018, Representative Adam Schiff, D-Calif., Senior House Intelligence Committee Officer, leaves a secure area to speak to reporters at Capitol Hill, Washington. Although the findings of the special council remain unknown, Trump is increasingly convinced that the report would produce what he insisted from the beginning: no clear evidence of a plot between Russia and the Trump campaign. And the president and his closest advisers are now thinking about how to turn those possible discoveries into weapons. A subtle change is underway among congressional Democrats, who have long believed that the report would provide damning evidence against the President. (AP Photo / J. Scott Applewhite)

"When I said that maybe there was someone spying on my campaign, it escalated," Trump told Sean Hannity. "They could not believe I could say that, in the end, it was small potatoes compared to what was happening, millions and millions in the bogus file, then they used the folder to start things. "

Trump also criticized Comey, whom he had fired in 2017, calling him a "terrible guy". He insisted that he had not fired to obstruct justice, telling Hannity that he knew that firing Comey would only strengthen control of the White House.

"It was treason, it was really a betrayal," said Trump, citing texts exchanged between former FBI special agent Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page, referring to a "police force". insurance "in case of Trump election.

"Yes, I intend to declassify and release."

– President Trump

"You had dirty cops, you had people who are bad guys from the FBI … At the top, they were not clean, to put it mildly." He later said, "We can never allow these acts of treason to be committed by another president."

By the way, Trump also said that he hoped the Democrats would continue to push for the Green New Deal, which was the subject of a test vote Tuesday because most Democrats voted "present" instead of continuing to support the in-depth transformation of the entire US economy.

The Trump interview took place while many GOP lawmakers claimed that the president had stomped on the best week of his presidency by backing ObamaCare's total overthrow.

On Monday, the Justice Department asked the Court of Appeals of the Fifth American Circuit in New Orleans to uphold the ruling made last year by a Texas federal judge, saying that the law on Affordable care was no longer constitutional, as the 2017 tax reform law abolished the health care law. penalty for not having health insurance.

Several congressional Republicans told Fox News that they were embarrassed by the timing of the Trump administration's intervention in the case, which closely followed the findings of the Mueller report. , supporting the President 's veto on a bill to put an end to the national emergency for the border wall. and a Senate vote that highlighted what the Conservatives described as problems with the Green New Deal, supported by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y.

Sean Hannity and Catherine Herridge of Fox News contributed to this report.


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