Trump Rally in North Carolina: fact check


Trump did not mention these allegations. Instead, he repeated his baseless allegation of election fraud in a Democratic-dominated California.

Trump made at least 21 other false statements at the rally, most of them having been denied several times.

China and trade

The Chinese economy

"I want China to go well and hopefully they're fine, but they have now the worst year in 57 years," Trump said.

The facts first: China's official GDP growth rate in the second quarter, 6.2%, was the worst since 1992, 27 years ago. Asset correctly quoted this "27 years" statistic in July, but then began to modify it without any factual reason. On the following occasionshe said "35 years", "61 years" and "54 years", among other figures.

Trade deficit with China

"China has won $ 500 billion in recent years," Trump said.

The facts first: Trump considers trade deficits as economic losses and surpluses as gains, although this characterization is rejected by many economists. The US trade deficit with China has never been $ 500 billion; c & # 39; was 381 billion dollars last year when counting goods and services, $ 420 billion when counting goods only.

Who pays the tariffs on China

"Hundreds of billions of dollars have been and will be coming into our country in the form of tariffs, and China bears the costs, which false information does not want to tell you," said Trump.

The facts first: Economic studies found that Americans bear most of the cost of tariffs.
In addition, "hundreds of billions" is an exaggeration, at least with regard to what has been collected so far. US Customs and Border Protection reports collecting $ 41.6 billion in various tariffs in FY 2018 and $ 34.6 billion in FY 2017, and that duties Trump customs on China produced $ 25 billion.
From Kim Jong Un to Hurricane Dorian: Trump made 62 false statements last week

The USMCA and Canada

"We need a vote on the USMCA – it's the United States, Mexico, and Canada – and they've already voted, they want it," Trump said.

The facts first: The Mexican Senate voted in favor of ratifying the USMCA trade agreement, but the Parliament of Canada did not vote.

It is very unlikely that the agreement will be rejected by Parliament, even if the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau is ousted in the next election because the Conservative opposition party has declared that it will vote " reluctantly "in favor. Still, the vote has not taken place yet.

The USMCA and the unions

Trump, urging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to hold a vote on the USMCA, said: "Unions want it."

The facts first: US unions do not generally like the North American Trump Trade Agreement, a revised version of NAFTA. The AFL-CIO, a large federation of 55 union workers, said changes needed to be made to the agreement before the federation could possibly provide support. in an appearance in Fox News in early September, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka called its current incarnation "an unenforceable trade agreement" that would be "a boon for business and a disaster for workers".

As the New York Times reported, United auto workers and United Steelworkers, among other unions, have also called for changes.


The Democrat Dan McCready

Trump said the Democratic nominee in the 9th district race, Dan McCready, "wants open borders."

The facts first: McCready does not support open borders. His website says he wants a comprehensive immigration reform that secures our border, respects our laws and protects our American values. " He calls on the government to "strengthen the physical barriers with the technology used by Dan in the Marines, such as infrared cameras and drones".

Democrats and borders

Trump said the Democrats were refusing to work with him to correct immigration laws "because they want the borders to be open."

Facts first: Some Democrats, including presidential candidates, Elizabeth Warren and Julian Castro, have advocated a significant easing of the immigration law, including decriminalization of the act of illegal border crossing. But none of them offered to literally open the border to an unrestricted migration.

At the time Trump, Democrats voted for billions of dollars in fences and other border security measures.

Migrants and court

"You have a program, catch and release: you catch and you have to release them, and they are supposed to come back to court in the next three, four, five, six years and no one will show up," Trump said. said.

The facts first: Although we do not know which subset of Trump migrants referred to, the majority of migrants to appear in court. In 2017, 89% of asylum seekers appeared in court to receive a decision on their case. Of all types of migrants, 72% appeared in court.

Immigration Laws

"What can be much more threatening than people who want to get across our borders? And we have the worst laws – we have the weakest laws in the history of any country. You can not do anything to stop them, "Trump told me.

The facts first: This is obviously an inaccurate hyperbole. The current US immigration laws are not as close to the weakest in the history of this country: the US government has not make a big effort control the flow of people entering the country until the late 1800s, more than a century after the founding of the country

There are clearly many tools available to the government to prevent people from entering the country illegally, from physical barriers to border patrol apprehensions. Trump often complains that asylum seekers must be released and benefit from court proceedings, but this is also the case in other countries.

The border wall

Trump said "we are setting up kilometers and miles" of the border wall.

Facts first: Since the month of August, no new wall wall had been built under Trump's presidency, told the CNN Geneva news agency Sands. Sixty miles of existing barriers have been replaced.

Overdose deaths and the border

Trump, speaking of the opioid crisis and drug trafficking, said: "100,000 people die every year from our southern border".

Facts first: The figure "100,000" is an exaggeration, although we do not have an exact figure for overdose deaths related to the southern border. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have published a preliminary estimate that there were 68,557 drug overdose deaths of any type in 2018, of which approximately 47,590 were related to any type of opioid and approximately 31,897 to opioid opioids. synthesis, including fentanyl.
It is obviously not true that all these drugs came from Mexico; Asset himself repeatedly said that a significant part of the fentanyl being trafficked comes from China through the mail.


Asian unemployment

Trump said that Americans of Asian descent are at the best unemployment rate "we have ever had".

Facts first: The unemployment rate of Americans of Asian origin was 2.8% in August – higher than the 2.6% rate in December 2016, the last full month of Barack Obama's term.

Female unemployment

Trump said, "The unemployment rate for women is the best that they have been for 72 years."

Trump continues to exaggerate even his legitimate achievements

Facts first: That was another hype. Sixty-six years ago the rate of women was as low as this year – it was 3.6% in August, 3.4% in April – not 75 years.

We could omit it if it was a one-time slip, but Trump usually exaggerates many positive statistics, including the female unemployment rate, even though the exact figure remains impressive . In fact, according to our previous research at the Toronto Star, Trump has exaggerated the female unemployment rate in this way 37 times between the inauguration and June 2 of this year.

Manufacturing Jobs

"And by the way: 600,000 jobs in the manufacturing sector in this country, do not forget: you would need a magic wand, you can not do it anymore." Well, we did it, "said Trump.

The facts first: The economy has created 485,000 jobs in the manufacturing sector since January 2017, when Trump took office, official data shows. If you go back to November 2016, the month of Trump's election, the number of jobs created is 512,000.
Trump's "magic wand" comment was referring to a remark made by Barack Obama at a 2016 PBS municipal public meeting. Obama is mocking Trump's promise to bring back what Obama has called "jobs of the past" without providing details on how it would do it.

Contrary to what Trump often claims, Obama did not say that jobs in the manufacturing sector could not be created at all or in large numbers; Obama praised the number of people created during his presidency: "We actually make more products and have a larger manufacturing base today than in most of our history."


Right to try

"They have been trying to get it for 45 years," said Trump about the program that aims to facilitate access of terminally ill patients to experimental drugs.

The facts first: Experts said that there had been no 45-year pressure for a federal law on the right to try. Similar laws have been passed at the state level only since 2014, after the libertarian think tank Goldwater Institute began defending them.

Veterans' Choice

Trump had the merit of having successfully completed the Veterans Choice program, which allows some veterans to be reimbursed for physicians outside the VA system: "We have adopted something that they had wanted to do for a half year. We have adopted VA Choice. "

Facts first: The Choice Program, a bipartisan initiative directed by Bernie Sanders and the late John McCain, was signed in the law by Barack Obama in 2014. In 2018, Trump signed the VA Mission Act, which expands and modifies the program.

Energy production

"We ended the cruel war of the last administration against US energy, and the United States is now the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas," Trump said.

The facts first: The United States is not only "now" becoming the world's largest energy producer: they took first place in 2012, under Obama, the same president that he accused of perpetrating the war".
"The United States is the world's largest producer of natural gas since 2009, when US natural gas production exceeded that of Russia, and the world's largest producer of petroleum hydrocarbons since 2013, when its output exceeded that of the United States. Saudi Arabia "Information Administration said.

Pre-existing conditions

"We will always protect patients with preexisting conditions, always," said Trump.

The facts first: We do not usually check the promises made, but it has already proved false. The Trump administration and the Republicans of Congress have rbills several times and prosecutions that would weaken Obamacare's protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Trump currently supports a republican trial who seeks to declare all Obamacare empty. It has not published a plan to restore the protections provided by law for people with pre-existing illnesses if the lawsuit succeeds.

The decline in overdose deaths

"Last year, we witnessed the first nationwide decline in the number of drug overdose deaths in nearly 31 years," said Trump.

The facts first: That was another Trump regular exaggerations numbers that are already impressive. There has been a rare decline in the number of overdose deaths in 2018, according to preliminary data from the National Center for Health Statistics of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – but this was the first since 1990 or 28 years ago and not "almost 31 years".

Foreign Affairs

Payments to Iran

Trump claimed that the United States had "paid" Iran $ 150 billion under the 2015 nuclear deal.

The facts first: The money in question was Iranian money stuck in foreign financial institutions because of sanctions, not money from the US government. Experts say the total was well under $ 150 billion. You can read a more complete check here.

NATO Expenditures

Trump said that "up to his president," military spending by non-US NATO members was decreasing. "NATO spending went in that direction," he said, shifting his hand in a downward movement.

The facts first: Military spending by NATO members had increased for two years before Trump's presidency. according to official figures of NATO, spending rose 1.8% in 2015 and 2.8% in 2016, before Trump took office.
Increases in the Trump era were larger – 6% in 2017 and around 3.8% in 2018 – and Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg attributed to Trump the role he played in the growth. But the upward trend began two years before the start of Trump's term.
In 2014, NATO countries, which still did not meet the alliance's guidelines for spending 2% of their gross domestic product on defense, again committed themselves to achieving their goal. Expenses began to increase thereafter.

This story has been updated.


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