Trump Rally in North Carolina: Trump makes groundless claim for election fraud


On Monday night, President Donald Trump was in North Carolina to convince Dan Bishop, a Republican competing with Democrat Dan McCready during a special election Tuesday to fill the Congress seat left vacant by the former District 9 Representative Mark Harris (R-NC). ) after the evidence that the Harris campaign was involved in a vote tampering scheme.

But to show how confusing Trump's lies can be, the President does not seize this opportunity to try to distinguish between the Harris scandal and Bishop's campaign, but to unfoundedly accuse undocumented immigrants to a massive election fraud in California.

"You go to California, which has many sanctuary cities. They do not know what's going on there, "said Trump. "You have people who want to get rid of these sanctuary cities, they just are not able to do it with the people who are elected. By the way, there is a lot of illegal voting.

Trump has repeatedly tried to explain his 2016 popular vote by alleging, without proof, that this massive cheating had occurred. But if the scandal he pleads is a fake, the irony is that Trump would not even have been to North Carolina on Monday night if a Republican had not been caught cheating.

In February, state investigators exposed their theory of what went wrong during the 9th district poll in North Carolina last year. Their case, as Vox's Dylan Scott: Leslie McCrae Dowless, a political officer under contract with the Harris campaign, "ordered a coordinated ploy to illegally collect, misrepresent and otherwise falsify correspondence votes. ".

The procedure lasted four days, then Harris intervened on the last day.

But before that, the jury revealed that the Harris campaign had brought new evidence the day before his testimony: unrevealed contacts between the candidate and Dowless. Harris's lawyers said they misunderstood the extent of the request for the investigation. Democratic lawyer Marc Elias called the documents "explosive importance". He asked the court to consider how the evidence was made public as "harmful interferences" by the Harris team.

Harris then spent most of his last day discussing his relationship with Dowless before he had the astonishing admiration that the evidence required new elections. He had been the apparent winner on election night against Democrat Dan McCready, with less than 1,000 votes.

It is understandable that Trump does not want to talk about Harris trying to motivate his supporters to vote for Bishop. But the fact that he takes advantage of such an opportunity to accuse the other side of cheating shows how shameless he can be.

The rest of Trump's speech was rather banal. He fueled his fears by describing undocumented immigrants as "hardened and enduring criminals", boasting about the size of his crowd (despite video proof there was a lot of room in the audience), to joke to serve more than two terms, lied on rates, and boasted imaginary republican health plans. This was largely reminiscent of Trump's campaign speeches in the weeks leading up to last year's midterm elections – speeches in which Republicans lost 40 seats in the House and control of the House.

Trump won the district 12 points in 2016, but experts believe that McCready, who runs again, has the power to go blue Tuesday. Instead of struggling with the implications of this, however, Trump seems content to make baseless assertions that his party is the victim of massive plots – even in the most inappropriate circumstances.

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