Trump releases digital heavyweight before 2020


President TrumpDonald John TrumpSpike Lee urges Oscars viewers to vote in 2020: "Let everyone be on the right side of the story" José Andrés pays tribute to immigrants, Oscar women's speech Javier Bardem hits "the walls" at of the Oscars speech in Spanish MORE prepares his formidable digital operation almost two years before the 2020 election, doubling a game book that helped him lead the way to the White House.

Trump's campaign has already spent more than $ 3.5 million on Facebook-targeted ads, while an allied group has spent more than $ 6 million, making it the biggest US spender since tracking advertising expenses by Facebook in May 2018.

And just like in 2016, Trump associates heavy spending with an active Twitter feed, distributing insults and mocking his potential Democratic opponents as their race for long, cluttered nomination begins.

The president is already seeing dividends: Trump ended the year 2018 with $ 19 million in cash, most of which came from small donors.

According to the Washington Post, the campaign also raised about $ 130 million last year, a record for any current president at this stage of the cycle.

Heavy spending worries some strategists who work with Democrats, who warn candidates for equal opportunities for 2020 to fall behind.

Trump's campaign is "capable of delivering consistent messages and keeping people engaged, to continue to raise funds and expand their list, although these efforts on the Democratic side are spread over several candidates in the coming months," said Tara. McGowan, CEO and founder of ACRONYM, an organization that seeks to help Democrats with their digital strategies.

Massive spending by the president comes as Democratic candidates recently increase their digital spending.

Sen is one of the most vocal Democrats in Facebook ads. Kamala HarrisKamala Devi HarrisSenate Revives Blue Debacle War Against Choice Of Court Trump, S.E. Cupp: Trump Has 2020 "In Bag" If Things Do not Change Demands Growing For A Mueller Public Report MOREThe US campaign agency (California), which has spent nearly 300,000 US dollars, according to data from the social media platform.

She is dragged by Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann Warren, CDN President: GOP Labels Socialist Democrats Politics because they're wrong "Bannon: a doubt" no one "Trump will want to be re-elected Bernie is back – but can he stay true to his supporters? (D-Mass.) At about $ 275,000 and Sen. Cory BookerCory Anthony BookerJeh Johnson: The military must do a better job to "eradicate" the extremists The leader of the Democratic Party defends the initial reaction to the Smollett incident: "We acted on the facts, as we knew at the time "Bannon: the" zero "doubt that Trump will run reelection MORE (D-N.J.) At about $ 200,000.

Although current presidents have always had an advantage over the opposing party because they do not usually face an opponent during the primaries, the extent of Trump's spending and the sophistication of his digital operations are unprecedented among the presidents in office , according to analysts.

Trump's digital operations in 2016 were so successful that he named Brad Parscale, the widely credited man to lead it, as the campaign manager for 2020.

In an interview with PBS's Frontline documentary titled "The Facebook Dilemma," Parscale said Facebook was an essential part of Trump's 2016 campaign.

He added that this allowed Trump to "speak directly to the camera" and use micro-targeted ads to tailor messages to specific communities and demographics.

"We could write 50,000 ads that have only very, very few nuances changed," Parscale said.

The Trump campaign did not respond to The Hill's requests for comments from Parscale.

A similar strategy seemed to be in place before 2020.

Facebook data showed that the Donald J. Trump committee for the president had spent more than $ 3.5 million since May 2018, spread over 77,230 ads, an average cost of $ 45 each.

Similarly, the "Trump Make America Great Again" committee, run jointly with the Republican National Committee, spent $ 6.2 million on 91,538 ads, for an average cost of $ 67.

The number of ads placed far exceeds other political ad buyers. They have closely adapted their message to the news while looking distinctly like Trump.

For example, ads currently active on the social media platform show messages urgently calling supporters to help Trump build a border wall and fight the Democrats and the Speaker of the House. Nancy PelosiNancy Patricia's Alesandro PelosiJeh Johnson: Military Must Better 'Eradicate' Extremists Less Major Reimbursements Amplify Calls to Restore Key Tax Deductions Rosie O'Donnell said she was "hearing at 100 % »An audiobook from the Mueller PLUS report (D-Calif.).

"I can no longer let the security of the United States be jeopardized. WE NEED THE WALL, and I must give priority to AMERICA! ", Reads in one of the ads.

"Nancy Pelosi threatens to sue your wall. We need YOU to make a huge statement to Democrats to show them that you want to finish the wall! "He adds. "DONATE NOW! Say to the Democrats: FINISH THE WALL."

ACRONYM data also revealed a sharp rise in Trump's January listings, a period marked by a record-breaking government shutdown.

Facebook does not indicate where the ads have been posted on its site.

Trump's digital book is also backed by his active Twitter feed, which he used to attack potential Democrat opponents, including tagging. Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) Sanders Sanders urges campaign substitutes in the media to act with respect. Sanders warns against "intimidation and harassment" on his behalf in an internal DNC President's note: Labeling GOP Socialist Democratic Policies because they "get it wrong on issues" (I-Vt.) As "Crazy Bernie" and calling Warren "Pocahontas", a charge that many consider racist, for his earlier claims of Native American ancestry.

Trump used similar insults in 2016 to set his Republican opponents at the primary, including calling the former Florida governor, Jeb Bush, to "low energy," and referring to Sen. Ted CruzRafael (Ted) Edward CruzInvitation of Kim Jong Un in Washington Trump approves the re-election of Cornyn while O & # 39; Rourke considers the challenge O'Rourke does not exclude to be a candidate for vice president MORE (Texas) as "Lyin 'Ted" and Sen. Marco RubioMarco Antonio RubioDNC's debate plans reduce the party's prospects for 2020. On The Money: Dems voted Tuesday on Trump's emergency declaration | Most Republicans waited Trump | The Senate plots to avoid the drama of the fall shutdown | Powell presents to Congress Brown and Rubio discuss "dignity of work" while Brown reflects on presidential candidacy MORE (Fla.) Like "Little Marco."

Basil Smikle, a Democratic strategist, said that he could be as effective at what promises to be one of the most populous and longest running Democrats.

"This prospective candidate will go through a multi-candidate primary … and then, while that person starts to raise, Trump will use Twitter to pursue them," he said.

"So, at the time of the general election, he created a story for all those who oppose him," added Smikle. "And then the question is, how does the democrat react to that?"

Democrat contenders in 2020 showed they understood the message behind Trump's success in 2016: they recruited key people in the digital world while increasing their advertising spend on Facebook.

Harris, for example, who is considered to have one of the best beginnings among Democratic candidates, recruited alumni from Tim KaineTimothy (Tim) Michael KaineDemocrats Eliminates GOP "Trolling" Against Green New Deal Night Defense: Trump declares border emergency | .6B in military construction fund to use for the wall | Trump thinks Obama would have started the war with North Korea | The Pentagon provides help to Venezuelan migrants Kaine asks Shanahan if military families would be injured by moving .6B to the wall of the border NEXTThe Senate campaign and Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonSanders urges campaign representatives in the media to show respect. De Blasio travels to Iowa as part of his 2020 bid, Sanders warns of "moral harassment" in his internal name in an internal memo.Presidential campaign who worked in the digital strategy.

She also called on a digital company run by Mike Nellis, who had been involved in the Sanders insurgency presidential campaign three years ago.

Some of the contenders to 2020 have already shown a great understanding of digital media, including Sanders, widely recognized for his ability to leverage this media during his unsuccessful run at the 2016 Democratic nomination against Clinton. .

Sanders also owns an army of small donor sympathizers, which he showed by announcing that he had raised $ 6 million just over a day after announcing his candidacy for the presidency of 2020.

At the same time, former representative Beto O. Rourke (D-Texas), who said he decided to run for the presidency of the Board of Directors in 2020, has been a staunch defender last year, after defeating Cruz within three points of victory. red state.

Facebook's data showed that O'Rourke had spent more than $ 8 million on Facebook ads – an amount exceeded only by Trump – and that it has been a top-notch fundraiser for kids donors, raising more than $ 70 million last year.

But analysts believe that Democrats will have to do more as the party prepares to eliminate Trump by 2020, not least because it has already amassed a huge list of supporters that it can continue to target via e-mails or advertisements on Facebook.

Democrats "must remain focused on general elections, build infrastructure and keep Democrats engaged around the general," said McGowan, of ACRONYM.

"I think it's a very important element because Trump has already started his general election campaign."


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