Trump reportedly wants 2024 campaign event at Biden inauguration


  • Donald Trump plans to host a campaign event for a 2024 presidential candidacy in January, the Daily Beast reported.
  • The event could fall on the same day as President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20.
  • The Daily Beast, citing sources close to the president, reported that Trump is trying to stay relevant even as the world braces for a Biden administration.
  • Discussions about a 2024 campaign event mark the latest move in Trump’s attempt to derail the start of Biden’s presidency.
  • Visit the Business Insider homepage for more stories.

Donald Trump is reportedly considering hosting a campaign event for a 2024 presidential bid to take place on the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration.

The Daily Beast, citing sources familiar with conversations about a possible 2024 run, reported that Trump is strategizing to stay relevant even after he resigns as president. Conversations revolve around the launch of a new presidential race four years after Biden’s first term ended.

It would be an “unprecedented” decision to host a campaign event on the day of Biden’s inauguration, according to Carl Tobias, professor of law at the University of Richmond.

“No one who has lost a presidential race has ever announced their intention to run 4 years later on the day the winner is sworn in,” Tobias told Business Insider in an emailed statement.

Earlier this month, Trump raised the possibility of a race in 2024, telling staff he could announce his candidacy as early as the end of December.

The talks are emblematic of Trump’s efforts to continue derailing Biden’s presidency.

Biden won the presidency weeks ago, but Trump has repeatedly refused to concede. At one point he appeared to concede the results and acknowledge Biden’s victory, but he quickly walked back on those comments, saying “I’m not conceding ANYTHING.”

Those close to Trump, including Vice President Mike Pence, have tried to perpetuate the misconception that the administration will remain in place for another full term. Others like his daughter Ivanka and his wife Melania urged him to accept the results.

Trump himself has launched a series of legal attacks to cast doubt on the election results. So far, he hasn’t won any.

Additionally, the General Service Administration authorized the start of the formal transition process just days ago, weeks after Biden was granted the title of president-elect.

Trump, during the GSA announcement, said he had authorized Administrator Emily Murphy to begin the transition to a Biden presidency.

“Our case continues STRONG, we will continue the good fight, and I believe we will win!” Asset tweeted. “Nonetheless, in the best interest of our country, I recommend that Emily and her team do what needs to be done regarding the initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same.”

Biden, however, said a few days ago that he had yet to hear from Trump.

“I think his chief of staff and my chief of staff have spoken, but no, I haven’t heard anything from President Trump,” Biden said.

But the former vice president has started receiving details and information from national security officials and members of the coronavirus task force, he said.

Neither the Trump 2020 campaign nor Biden’s transition team immediately returned a request for comment from Business Insider.


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