Trump rips Mueller probe to CPAC as Washington waits for report


In a broad and largely unwritten speech at the conservative political action conference, which lasted more than two hours, Trump typically addressed several key issues: Green New Dealers mocking him, promising to protect freedom of expression on university campuses. an executive order and take shots at his longtime rival and 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren.

But he made a point of taking it to Mueller, commenting in detail on some key parts of the investigation, while the probe seems to have gone out.

"So now we are waiting for a report and we will find out … who we are dealing with," Trump said. "We are waiting for a report from unelected people."

"You put the wrong people in a few positions and they leave for a long time people who should not be there, and suddenly they try to get you out with bullshit, OK," he added.

The president criticized Mueller as an unelected prosecutor who ran unchecked and accused the team of investigators of the special advocate of being charged against him.

"Robert Mueller has never received a vote, nor has the person who nominated him," said Trump, apparently referring to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, appointed by Trump and named Mueller special advocate in May 2017.

"Robert Mueller has listed 13 of the most angry Democrats in our country's history in the commission," Trump said, adding, "One of them is involved in the Hillary Clinton Foundation. and another is probably the worst reputation of all men, since I've seen – all killers – in fact, it would have been better for them to put half and half that Mueller can do what he wants anyway, what he will probably do. "

Jeannie Rhee, one of the Mueller team's lawyers, has already represented the Clinton Foundation in a racketeering lawsuit and many of them have already made personal donations to Democrats, but the majority of them have been working for a long time at the Ministry of Justice.
Trump also argued that Mueller had been compromised because of his previous interest in becoming an FBI director after Trump dismissed James Comey, and repeated a favorite allegation that Mueller and Comey were "best friends". Comey has already stated that Mueller and he were not the best friends in the world.

He also criticized Sessions' decision to recuse himself from the Mueller investigation and to delegate Mueller's supervision to Rosenstein, thus mimicking the sessions with a strong southern accent.

"The Attorney General said:" I'm going to recuse myself, "and I said, why the hell did not he say that before he got him in?" Trump said. "How do you recuse yourself?"

He also attacked the sessions as unnecessary, lamenting that using his powers to hire and dismiss members of the cabinet under section 2 would have been perceived as an obstruction – a standard he had alleged was "only for Trump".

"The Attorney General is recanting himself, and I'm not firing him, not obstructing him," Trump said. "It's the other thing – if you use your rights, if you use your power, if you use Article 2, it's called an obstruction, but only for Trump, for The Attorney General is therefore weak and inefficient and he does not do it, do not do what he should have done. "

Trump fired sessions in November after an increasingly tense relationship and months of personal attacks from the president.

He also recounted that the fact that Comey was fired was due to the former FBI director being "a villain", claiming that he had discussed it at the time with First Lady Melania Trump and that he had planned bipartisan support after the Democrats had criticized Comey. .

"I said Melania, I'm doing something today, I'm doing it because it has to be done … it's a nasty, it's proven with all the emails" said Trump. "I told the first lady, I said, but you know the good news, the good news is that it's going to be so bipartisan, everyone will love it – so we kicked Comey." "

"I shoot a bad cop, I shoot a dirty cop, and suddenly the Democrats say," How dare you fire him, how dare you do it, "Trump added.

In May 2017, Trump had told NBC that he was thinking of "that Russian thing" when he had decided to send back Comey, adding that he was upset by the investigation, which he considered as motivated by the Democratic anger provoked by his victory in 2016.


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