Trump says he will declassify "everything" about the warrants that Obama used to spy on his campaign


President Donald Trump said Thursday that it was likely that former FBI director James Comey had led an effort to spy on his campaign in 2016.

And he told a Fox News Channel interviewer that he intended to declassify the documents relating to the controversial monitoring warrants "very soon".

White House officials have publicly and publicly criticized for more than a year the warrants that the Obama Department of Justice had obtained from the Foreign Intelligence Review Court to monitor Carter Page, then advise in foreign policy of the Trump campaign.

The President reported Friday morning that it was time to count.

"Finally, Mainstream Media involves – it is too" hot "to be avoided," he tweeted, citing an article on the front page of the New York Times about "the efforts to spy on the Trump campaign" .

President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he was considering declassifying

President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he was considering declassifying "everything" related to "spying" on the Obama administration election campaign.

Trump blames former FBI director James Comey for having

Trump blames former FBI director James Comey for "probably" leading an effort to get approval to monitor one of his foreign campaign advisers.

The President has mocked the New York Times for having

The President has mocked the New York Times for "finally" reporting on Obama's efforts to spy on his campaign

"Pulitzer Prize Someone? … it is bigger than WATERGATE, but the opposite! the president wrote.

He has not set a firm timetable for Fox News to declassify FISA warrant documents, saying he would do it "soon, I mean whenever they need it".

"I'm going to downgrade, yes. he said. & # 39; & # 39 all.

Trump made a point of blasting Comey, who called it "amoral" in a New York Times editorial this week.

Comey fled and he lied. He lied in front of the Congress, "he said, renewing themes almost as old as his presidency.

And the FBI director, whom he fired two years ago, was probably tasked with gathering information to prevent his victory, he said.

"I would say that he probably did some sort of effort," said Trump of Comey. The word "espionage" was used. He was probably one of the people leading the espionage effort.

"It could very well be true. We'll find out very soon, he says.

Carter Page, photographed last October in Los Angeles, was the subject of several intelligence warrants approved by a secret federal court

Carter Page, photographed last October in Los Angeles, was the subject of several intelligence warrants approved by a secret federal court

Attorney General William Barr told Congress in April that "espionage of a political campaign is a big problem" and he added: "I think espionage actually took place".

Barr has not provided evidence in support of his findings, but he is one of the few officials with access to classified documents related to counterintelligence operations conducted by the previous government as part of the Trump campaign.

At the time, Barr did not categorically oppose the idea that the Department of Justice was "spying" on a political campaign.

"The question is whether this was planned – properly planned," he said. "I'm not saying it was not planned properly, but I have to explore that. I think that's my obligation. Congress is generally very concerned that intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies remain on their way.

Barr told a Senate panel on Wednesday that the word "spying" did not necessarily have a negative connotation, but referred to ordinary intelligence work.

Comey said last month in New York that he was not in agreement.

"When I hear that kind of language, it's worrying," he told an audience at an event from the Hewlett Foundation, "because the FBI, the Department of Justice, conducts court – ordered electronic surveillance, I have never thought of it as espionage.

"I do not know what he's talking about," said Comey.

Trump said a few hours later, at the White House, that he was "absolutely spying on my campaign".

"I will go one step further: in my opinion, it was illegal espionage, espionage unprecedented and should never be allowed in our country," he said. he stated, "and I think his answer was very accurate one."

Trump complains of "spying" on his campaign since March 4, 2017, when he knocked out political observers by claiming in a spontaneous tweet that Obama had "plugged in" my "sons of iron "just before the victory. Nothing has been found. That's McCarthyism!

He came back to the topic less than three weeks ago, tweeting: "They lit up my campaign (we'll never forget it!)!"


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