Trump says he's told the GOP to "play with" the Mueller report vote


President Donald Trump arrives for the State of the Union address.

"I asked management to let all Republicans vote for transparency," writes President Donald Trump online. | Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty Images

President Donald Trump said Saturday that he had encouraged Republicans to vote in favor of a resolution urging the Justice Department to make public the final report of Robert Mueller, though this one tweeted a day earlier than the special advocate "should never have been named" and should not be a Mueller report. "

The House passed Thursday by an overwhelming majority of 420 votes to 0, a move urging Attorney General William Barr to publish the entirety of Mueller's findings and make them available to Congress. The resolution was blocked by Republicans in the Senate.

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"In the recent non-binding (420-0) congressional vote on the publication of the Mueller Report, I asked the leadership to let all Republicans vote for transparency," Trump said. wrote on Twitter. "It gives us all a beautiful appearance and it does not matter. Play with the game!

The President last month m said he did not know whether he would oppose the publication of Mueller's report or rely on the Attorney General's judgment. But Trump adopted a tougher line on Friday, calling the special council's work "an illegal and conflictual search for a crime."

"[T]the special council … should never have been named and there should be no Mueller report, "he said. tweeted, adding: "THIS SHOULD NEVER COME TO A PRESIDENT!"

During his confirmation hearings before the Senate in January, Barr made no commitment to make Mueller's report public, but undertook to disclose as much as possible the findings of the special advocate. The Democrats also attacked Mr. Barr for a memorandum he had written to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year, in which he criticized Mueller's investigation.

The chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerrold Nadler (DN.Y.), has threatened to issue a subpoena for the Mueller report if Barr does not disclose it to Congress and the public. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) A is ready to call the special advocate to testify before lawmakers.


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