Trump says Mueller should not testify


President TrumpDonald John TrumpPelosi is worried that Trump would have challenged the election if the margin of the House had been too thin. The anticipation is built in a tangible way in the testimony of Mueller Venezuela tests the relationship Trump-Bolton PLUS Sunday, the special advocate Robert MuellerRobert (Bob) Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud Mueller's choice to lead the investigation over Russia MORE should not testify about the findings of his investigation into the Russian interference in the elections, suggesting that it was an attempt by the Democrats to regain control of the White House after the publication of the long-awaited report by Mueller.

"After spending more than $ 35 million over a two-year period, we interviewed 500 people using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI agents – all leading to a 400-page report showing NO COLLUSION – why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller to testify, "Trump said in a pair of tweets.

"Are they looking for repression because they hated seeing the strong conclusion" NO COLLUSION "? There was no crime except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the report), and NO OBSTRUCTION Bob Mueller should not testify.

Mr. Mueller has more and more anticipation to testify before the Congress after the revelation of his frustration with the way the Attorney General William BarrWilliam Pelham BarrSanders expresses his support for the idea of ​​voting to hold Barr in contempt of Schumer: Graham "has an obligation" to ask Mueller to testify on the construction of anticipations for Mueller's testimony MORE presented the findings of its investigation to the public.

Cicilline, who is a member of the committee, during an appearance in "Fox News Sunday" earlier in the day, said a representative of Mueller had accepted the date of May 15, but that "I have not heard from you. he had come back later.

"Just to clarify: we aim to bring Mueller on the 15th, but nothing has been agreed yet," wrote Cicilline on Twitter. "This is the date proposed by the committee and we hope the special council will accept it. Sorry for the confusion."

In an email to The Hill, a spokesman for Mueller declined to comment.

The Democrats have called Mueller to testify before the committee after getting a letter from the special advocate expressing his frustration at the summary of Mueller's investigation of Russia.

"The summary letter that the Department sent to Congress and made public late in the afternoon of March 24th did not fully reflect the context, nature and substance of the work and conclusions of this office, "says the letter signed by Mueller.The confusion now reigns in the public opinion about the critical aspects of the results of our investigation.

Barr, at a press conference last month, said he would not oppose Mueller speaking to Congress.

When Fox News appeared on Sunday, Cicilline said the White House had "until now indicated that she would not interfere in Mr. Mueller's attempts to testify."

"We hope that will not change," he said.


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