Trump says people refuse vaccine because they “don’t trust election results”


Former President Donald Trump said on Sunday that one of the reasons some people are unwilling to take the COVID-19 vaccine is that they “don’t trust the election results” of November 2020.

The former president’s comments come after President Joe Biden’s administration failed to meet its vaccination target to ensure that 70% of adults in the country receive at least one injection by July 4. Still, 161 million people are fully vaccinated and 68% of adults have received at least one dose, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trump boasted that his administration had done a “great job” in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic through programs like Operation Warp Speed, which saw vaccine development and disbursement happen in record time. While he encouraged people to get vaccinated, a large group of his supporters wandered about the caution surrounding COVID-19 jabs.

“Joe Biden kept saying how good he was doing the vaccine distribution… He’s not doing well at all,” Trump wrote in a tweemail, adding: “He’s behind schedule and people refuse to take the vaccine because they don’t trust his administration, they don’t trust the election results, and they certainly don’t trust the Fake News, which refuses to tell the truth.


Since the election, the former president has repeated baseless allegations that the 2020 election was stolen due to suspected widespread fraud, although former Attorney General William Barr said in December that the Department of Justice had found no evidence of massive electoral fraud that could have altered the elections.

Almost 56% of people who lean for Republicans said they were planning or had already received the vaccine, according to data collected by Pew Research in March. By comparison, Democrats were 27 percentage points more likely than Republicans to say they planned to receive the vaccine. The study asked questions of 10,121 panelists.

Despite Trump’s positive outlook on vaccines, there appears to be a mismatch between his position and others in the GOP in recent weeks.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference in Texas this month, crowds cheered when writer and speaker Alex Berenson said, “The government was hoping it could somehow get 90% of the population to get vaccinated, and that does not happen. “

On July 11, House GOP rookie Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted, “Thousands of people are reporting very serious side effects from life-changing vaccines,” telling subscribers to “say NO!” to the vaccine. The post was later flagged by Twitter as “misleading”.

In April, Republican Senator Ron Johnson asked why the Biden administration had made a “big push” to get everyone vaccinated, adding: “I’m getting very suspicious of what’s going on here.”


The White House has acknowledged an apparent drop in the rate of vaccines administered and is seeking to correct misinformation spread about vaccines online, noting its awareness of popular platforms like Facebook.

Washington Examiner Videos

Keywords: News, Donald Trump, Coronavirus, Vaccination, Health

Original author: Kaelan Deese

Original location: Trump says people refuse vaccine because they “don’t trust election results”


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