Trump says two Washington Post journalists should not be allowed in the White House


Donald Trump

President Donald Trump. | Puce Somodevilla / Getty Images

President Donald Trump on Saturday targeted two Washington Post reporters, saying that they "should not even be allowed" in the White House following an article criticizing the administration's record.

Washington Post reporters @PhilipRucker (Mr. Off the Record) and @AshleyRParker, two light and light reporters, should not even be allowed on the White House grounds, as their reports are so disappointing and fictitious. " tweeted the president at 7: 9 am

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The editorial tweet between White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham and deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley, refuting a Washington Post article released earlier this week that highlighted the president's mistakes the political difficulties of the administration during the summer.

Trump's Saturday tweet marked a decisive week for a week when Grisham gave clues as to how she intends to work as a press officer. The president has engaged in a six-day battle against the press for his misleading claim. than the models suggested at the time, and a White House decision to revoke the press card of a reporter was blocked by a district court judge.

Grisham, who condemned this decision, said Playboy 's reporter, Brian Karem, had violated the standards of "professionalism" and "decorum" following a violent confrontation with Rose Garden. former presidential aide Seb Gorka in July. The White House had decided to revoke the Karem pass for 30 days.

Last November, the White House canceled his passport for CNN reporter Jim Acosta after an argument during a press conference with Trump during the interrogation. A federal judge later overturned this decision.

The White House Press Association had challenged the administration on its decisions regarding Karem and Acosta.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Trump's tweet. Both Rucker and Parker have highlighted the positive reactions to their story on social media since its publication.

Trump continued this week to launch media attacks on the economy, climate and presidential coverage as part of the ongoing imbroglio over the president's comment on the hurricane.

Friday, the president's son, Eric, publicly challenged Washington Post reporter David Farenthold, about an email that Farenthold sent to an employee of Trump Organization to ask him for details about the company. The president's son, who is executive vice president of the Trump Organization, has been widely ridiculed for his reaction to a common approach to business reporting. Farenthold has explained his reporting methods in an online video.


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