Trump speaks in Baltimore for the first time since he's been dubbed "clutter infested with rodents"


Trump tweeted the comments in July, specifically referring to the Democratic Republic District, Elijah Cummings, which includes parts of Baltimore, a place where "no human being would want to live".

This caused a week-and-a-week commute between Trump and Cummings, who oversees many Trump investigations and senior administration officials as the House's oversight chair.

But Trump's White House staff and campaign staff all continued to defend what the president said about the city. And at the end of July, Trump said he was not sorry to have criticized Baltimore's political behavior by politicians and denied claims that his critics were racist.

Cummings told CNN's Manu Raju that he hoped Trump would enjoy his time in town.

"I hope it will have a nice visit, I hope it will have the opportunity to see a lot of Baltimore.It's a beautiful city, with a lot of hard working people, "Cummings said Thursday.

When Trump will retire just outside Cummings District in Baltimore, he will likely be greeted by protesters protesting his politics in a park one block away from his speech.

A group called the Baltimore Welcome Committee, which consists of a coalition comprising of American Social Democrats and immigrant rights groups, is scheduled to meet in the park in late April. and stay until the arrival of Trump at dinner. The coalition is also scheduled to hold various events countering retirement until Sunday when the retreat will end.
It is common for the president to make a speech at the annual Congress retreat of his party. Last year, Trump and Vice President Mike Pence both spoke at the GOP meeting in West Virginia.
The theme of Trump's remarks this year is not clear, but last year, Trump focused on telling his party members that they had to make compromises. or win more seats in 2018 to reach an agreement on immigration. A topic that will surely be addressed during the retreat is the question of how House Republicans will regain control.
Since the Republicans lost the House in 2018, a growing number of Democrats in the House have called for a presidential impeachment investigation and Trump and his administration have been trapped in over a dozen investigations conducted by the House Democrats.

A few days before the Trump rodent tweet, the Cummings panel approved subpoenas for work-related texts and e-mails on the personal devices of White House officials, placing Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and his wife. Ivanka Trump girl in the eyes of the committee. Trump told people that he thought his children, who are also government employees, were unfairly targeted.

After the tweets criticizing the state of Baltimore, Trump asked Cummings to use the resources of the House's oversight committee to investigate Baltimore's corruption.

"Billions and billions of dollars have been donated to Baltimore, it has been misused, it has been stolen with a lot of corrupt government, and as you know, Cummings is in charge," Trump said at the end of the month. of July. I will say this, I think the Cummings representative should take his oversight committee and start monitoring Baltimore. "

Chandelis Duster and Manu Raju from CNN contributed to this report.


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