Trump strip California of the car emissions exemption: report


The administration of President Donald Trump is expected to announce Wednesday that it would revoke California's legal authority to set its own standards for car emissions, the New York Times reported on Tuesday.

For the past year, the state has been fighting the Trump administration for this renunciation, which has a major influence on the manufacturing of all cars sold in the United States.

The cancellation was long overdue as part of Trump's efforts to cancel former president Barack Obama's clean energy plan, which said automakers are doubling the fuel economy of all new cars and light trucks. . However, sources close to the decision told the Times that this was the only confirmed change, as Trump's decision makers struggled to find a legal and scientific justification for the complete overhaul.

The federal government sanctioned the California waiver for nearly 50 years and 13 other states also met California's auto pollution standards. In June, Canada ended two decades of alignment with US fuel standards and adhered to California rules.

Trump's impending announcement follows talks with major automakers, four of which have reached a voluntary agreement with California on fuel economy rules. Asset ridiculed last month on Twitter as "politically correct auto companies" with "silly executives".

This decision is the latest salvo of what some now call the Trump administration's war on state rights, toppling the well-used Republican discourse.

The rhetoric of the conservative movement on state rights took shape in the 1960s, when federalism became a euphemistic substitute for the struggle for desegregation. But especially under the Obama administration, Republicans have seized the right of states to obstruct efforts to regulate carbon dioxide emissions.

Yet, despite all the Trump administration's discussions that states must once again become "democracy labs," the EPA is putting a severe hold on states to adopt stricter pollution regulations.

In June, the agency issued a new legal directive that aims to limit how states can use a specific provision of the Clean Water Act to deny permits to oil and gas pipelines. In July, the EPA proposed to eliminate a rule allowing individuals or community groups to challenge pollution permits issued by agencies before a panel of judges.

"States do not always do the right thing," Andrew Wheeler, EPA Administrator, told a conference at the Heritage Foundation.

More than a year after first threatening to revoke California's waiver, the agency seems poised to deliver on that promise. But that may not hold. A report from the Faculty of Law at New York University last year revealed that the EPA did not have the legal authority to withdraw the waiver granted by the Congress , and no president has ever tried.


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