Trump sues Deutsche Bank and Capital One to block Democrats: NPR


Deutsche Bank headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. President Trump is suing Deutsche Bank and Capital One to prevent banks from responding to subpoenas from two House panels seeking personal financial records related to the president, his family and his company.

Michael Probst / AP

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Michael Probst / AP

Deutsche Bank headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. President Trump is suing Deutsche Bank and Capital One to prevent banks from responding to subpoenas from two House panels seeking personal financial records related to the president, his family and his company.

Michael Probst / AP

President Trump has filed a lawsuit in federal court to prevent two banks from responding to Congressional summonses, setting up a legal confrontation with Democrats wanting to investigate his finances. .

The president, his three eldest children and his company, the Trump organization, said the investigations by the House's intelligence and financial services committees were excessive and of no use beyond harassment.

The lawsuit, filed Monday, indicates that the subpoenas at Deutsche Bank and Capital One have no other purpose than to "delve into all aspects of the [President Trump’s] his personal finances, his business and the private information of the president and his family, as well as searching for documents that could cause him political harm. There is no reason to establish a purpose other than political. "

Since they've taken control of the House, Democrats have vowed to scrutinize the Trump family's finances and Deutsche Bank has promised to cooperate with the investigation.

Deutsche Bank was one of the few, if not the only, major banks to lend to Trump after the bankruptcy of its casino in the early 90s.

Trump's lawsuit says subpoenas are excessive, because most of the information sought is pre-election "and includes a plethora of account records for entities, individuals, children, and spouses who do not want to appear. have never been involved in an investigation. "

In a joint statement, Financial Services Committee Chair Maxine Waters and Intelligence Committee Representative Adam Schiff said the complaint was "only to delay actual liability for as long as possible".

"As a private businessman, Trump has regularly used his well-known litigation and the threat of lawsuits to intimidate others, but he will find that Congress will not be deterred from fulfilling its constitutional responsibilities," according to Trump. the press release.


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