Trump supporter files restraining order against ‘intimidating’ neighbors


A supporter of President Trump has filed a restraining order against his California neighbors – for intimidating his family over the election defeat to Joe Biden, according to a report.

Michael Mason told CBS13 that neighbors on the left had previously taunted him for his conservative views, drawing Black Lives Matter and pro-LGBTQ chalk art outside his home in Rocklin.

But that culminated after Biden’s election victory was announced on Saturday – Mason even calling the police after the neighbor’s children were caught singing about Biden to disturb his children, the station said.

Michael mason
Michael masonCBS13

Mason said he now wanted to move and filed a restraining order hoping to keep the peace until then. A judge is expected to rule on Wednesday, the station said.

“I’m tired of being harassed all the time,” Mason told the station. “My kids don’t want to go out.

“I didn’t want to do this… They make me do this,” he added of his neighbors, who he said “just laughed” when he asked why all the chalk art inspired from the left was only drawn outside his house.

The accused family has not been identified and declined to comment on the station.

A flag supporting Donald Trump

A neighbor who lives between families in conflict, Sean Millard, called him “completely crazy,” saying, “2020 has been a pretty crazy year.”


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