Trump Sycophant Stephen Moore is presumed to have received the $ 75,000 IRS


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Today, in news that you could not catch up with but we should have expected completely: the IRS claims that Donald Trump's new candidate for the Federal Reserve Commission, Stephen Moore, is currently owed more than $ 75,000 in taxes.

By the guardian:

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) filed a claim in the name of the debt against Moore last January at Montgomery County Court in Maryland, where Moore has his home.

The court records indicate that Moore, a former presidential campaign advisor at Trump, owed $ 75,328 for taxes incurred in 2014. A court clerk confirmed that the claim filed by the IRS had not yet been filed. satisfied by Moore.

In a statement, Moore said that he had disputed the claim of the IRS. He stated that he was "eager to reach an agreement" with the authorities but that he had been frustrated by the bureaucracy within the tax administration.

The guy typed for a seat on the Federal Reserve says he's "frustrated by the bureaucracy". Nice! Surely he has other qualifications for work?

By the New York Times, Moore recently insisted that he was not a sycophant:

Mr. Moore, a distinguished member of the Heritage Foundation and Trump's economic advisor, is a relatively unconventional choice. It's largely made a name for defending tax cuts, not monetary policy, and it argues for an unorthodox theory about how the central bank should set rates. d & # 39; interests.

Here is the Washington PostCatherine Rampell, responding to Moore's claim that he was not a sycophant:

For the past three years, Moore has served as a substitute, forensic and sycophant to President Trump, on television and in the press. In the interview with The Times, Moore suggested renting and promoting Trump simply because they "think much the same way about a lot of things" and "share much of the same economic philosophy" . This could be true for their shared love of tax cuts. But in Trump's service, Moore also regularly dropped many other issues of his "economic philosophy" that he had reliably defended before the Trump affair. Formerly free trade fighter, Moore now defends regularly Trump's tariffs. Until recently, defender of undocumented immigrants, he now opposes them.

Begins to get an idea of ​​why this guy received a nod!


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