Trump takes it to Biden – and against the advice of the councilors


This is exactly the behavior that several of the President's political advisers have warned him about, fearing that Trump would raise a potentially formidable rival, CNN has told two sources close to the talks.

"Sleepy Joe Biden is holding his first rally in the Grand State of Pennsylvania, he obviously does not know that Pennsylvania is experiencing one of the best economic years in its history," tweeted Trump. "Firemen fire chiefs will always support the Democrats, even if the members want me, some things never change!"

A few hours later, the former vice president fought back, showing why Trump's advisors might be worried.

"I'm fed up with this insulting union of the president. Workers built the middle class in this country. Minimum wage, overtime pay, 40-hour work week: They exist for all of us because the unions fought for these rights. We need a president who honors them, as well as their work, "Biden said on Twitter, engaging in a mano adventure on Twitter, which many of his rivals would savor.

Do not let yourself suck

The president has been advised in recent weeks not to get swept up by a one-on-one verbal brawl with one of the leading candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, knowing that one confrontation with one of the candidates at this early stage could help raise them. in the eyes of Democratic voters and give them more oxygen to rise above the overcrowded squad. These advisors, however, knew that it was only a matter of time before Trump did exactly that.

This advice is especially true regarding Biden, who, according to many Republican agents – and Trump himself – would pose a significant threat to the president when he won the Democratic nomination.

Trump campaigners have refrained from choosing the candidate that most concerns them as a candidate in the general election. And with Democratic candidates eager to prove that they are best placed to beat Trump, many of the president's political advisers have warned not to meddle with their attacks by responding to their attacks at this time. early stage.

Biden is the most anticipated and feared rival of Trump.

While the Trump campaign issued statements hitting the most competitive candidates at the time of entering the race, assistants said the campaign did not plan to attack specific candidates during their main run. . Campaigners also recognize that the president is the supreme strategist of the campaign. If the president decides to change course, the campaign will do the same.

Trump, who has been pissed off at the prospect of a Biden candidacy, has struggled to resist Biden's lure and his attacks since the former vice president officially entered the race for president. last week.

After Biden launched his campaign focusing on the president's response to the white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump rekindled the fire by defending his response once again. which has attracted criticism, even from his Republican colleagues.

"If you look at what I said, you will see that the question was answered perfectly," Trump told the press on Friday before congratulating former Confederate General Robert E. Lee of "l & # 39, one of the greatest generals.

And then came the series of tweets on Monday.

Bring Biden?

The president's allies and advisers are not worried that Trump is raising Biden.

A Trump adviser pointed out that Biden "is already voting at No. 1 or 2" in the Democratic area.

Jason Miller, a former communications advisor for the Trump campaign and transition, said Trump was right to shoot Biden on Monday.

"All media will cover Joe Biden 's event today and will talk about Joe Biden, so why miss the opportunity to help frame the debate? Miller said.

Miller also acknowledges that he is part of a "contrarian group" of strategists who think Trump would be lucky to face Biden in the general election.

"I think Joe Biden is the dream candidate against whom Donald Trump should be in 2020," Miller said. Biden is a recycled political candidate in the same sense that former secretary (Hillary) Clinton and Trump will be able to use the 47 years of his tenure as a powerful blunt instrument to hit Biden at the head again and again, Joe Biden being the Democratic candidate allows Trump to be the agent of change by 2020, even though he is the outgoing president.

Sarah Westwood and Kaitlan Collins of CNN contributed to this report.


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