Trump tears apart Biden, GOP critics in first post-presidential speech


Former President TrumpDonald Trump Noem Brags about South Dakota’s Coronavirus Response, Rolls Lockdowns in CPAC Speech On The Trail: Cuomo and Newsom – A Story of Two Believed Governors McCarthy: ‘I’d Bet My House’ GOP Takes Over Lower House in 2022 PLUS whipped in President BidenJoe BidenNoem touts South Dakota’s coronavirus response, rolls locks in CPAC speech On The Trail: Cuomo and Newsom – story of two beleaguered governors Biden celebrates vaccine approval but warns current improvement could reverse “ MORE and his own Republican critics on Sunday in his first major speech since leaving, as he seeks to leave a permanent stamp on the GOP amid speculation he will run again in 2024.

“We all knew the Biden administration was going to be bad, but none of us imagined how bad they would be and how far they would go,” Trump told a crowd of enthusiastic supporters at the Action Conference Conservative Politics (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida.

In a speech that lasted well over an hour, Trump ripped apart Biden’s fledgling presidency by hitting him on topics ranging from immigration to the pandemic to trade and transgender rights. He called Biden’s administration “anti-jobs, anti-family, anti-border, anti-energy, anti-women and anti-science.”

The speech in particular mirrored Trump’s first speech as a presidential candidate in 2015 in its focus on immigration and the border.

“They might be killers. They may be rapists. They may be drug dealers. You take them and release them in our country, ”he said, referring to the undocumented migrants.

Trump has also targeted Biden’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, taking credit for the distribution of vaccines in the United States

“I handed the new administration a modern medical miracle,” he said, referring to the vaccine.

“I pushed the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] as they had never been pushed before, ”he continued. “They were never pushed like I pushed them. I didn’t like them at all, but once we did I said, ‘I love you a lot now.’ “

Trump also touched on topical conservative issues, including measures to allow transgender women to participate in women’s sports.

“What coach wants to recruit a young woman if her record could be easily broken by someone who was born male?” he said. “I think it’s crazy. We have to protect the integrity of women’s sport.”

Trump took the opportunity to continue to repeatedly falsely state that he won the 2020 presidential election while calling for the implementation of new voting restrictions. At one point, his comments on the 2020 election sparked chants of “you won” from the crowd.

The address comes amid a deepening rift within the Republican Party. The former president, who was lavished with praise and adoration during the four-day event in Orlando, is seeking to tighten his grip on a party that has seen its internal divisions spread in plain sight after the events of the Jan. 6, when a pro-Trump Mob stormed the Capitol in an attempt to disrupt Biden’s certification of Electoral College victory.

Trump used his speech at CPAC to publicly target his GOP critics, the name-verifying Republicans who supported his impeachment, including the representative. Adam kinzingerAdam Daniel KinzingerSunday Shows Sneak Peek: 2024 Hopes Come Together at CPAC; House passes coronavirus relief; vaccination effort continues Trump Jr .: There are ‘a lot’ of GOP incumbents who should be challenged Trump endorses ex-aide vs. pro-impeachment Republican MORE (Ill.) And Sen. Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt Romney The Memo: CPAC kicks off 2024 Trump at CPAC fosters 2022 GOP primary wars Democrats scramble to save minimum wage hike MORE (Utah).

He was particularly interested in the president of the Republican Conference of the House Liz cheneyElizabeth (Liz) Lynn Cheney McCarthy: ‘I’d Bet My House’ GOP Takes Over Lower House In 2022 The Memo: CPAC Kicks Off Trump Jr 2024: There Are ‘A Lot’ Of GOP Holders that should be challenged MORE (R-Wy.), Who said earlier this week that Trump should not be able to lead the party.

“And the warmonger, the person who loves to see our troops fight, Liz Cheney,” Trump said. “I hope they get rid of her with the next election. Get rid of them all.”

“If the Republicans don’t stick together, the RINOs [Republicans in name only] we are surrounded by will destroy the Republican Party, ”he added.

Ahead of his speech, Trump won the CPAC poll, with 55% of respondents saying they would vote for him in a hypothetical 2024 GOP primary.

The former president also ruled out creating a new party, saying there was no reason to split the GOP votes. “We will be united and strong like never before,” Trump said.

The Orlando event underscored how strong Trump’s influence remains within the GOP as the party seeks to regain majorities in the House and Senate in 2022.

“Trumpism means strong borders,” Trump said. “It means law enforcement. This means very strong protection for the Second Amendment. “

“It means support for the forgotten men and women that we have enjoyed for so many years,” he continued.

And Trump did not rule out running again in 2024. He repeatedly teased the possibility throughout his speech, drawing cheers from the crowd.

“We will first take back the House, then a Republican president will make a triumphant return to the White House. I wonder who it will be, ”he said at the end of his speech with a loud ovation.


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