Trump tears Comey after the CNN town hall: "He dropped the FBI"


President TrumpDonald John TrumpMcMaster accuses some of the White House of being a "danger to the Constitution". Trump predicts Dem's investigation will lead him to a victory in 2020 Trump hits O 'Rourke: "The boy fell like a rock" CONTINUED torn in James ComeyComeyGOP Senator James Brien calls Comey "politician hack" who "knows what will happen" Comey: "The FBI does not spy, the FBI investigates" Nadler threatens McGahn to despise his refusal to hand over documents MORE Thursday night, a few hours after the former FBI director suggested in a large CNN city hall that he be sued.

Trump hit Comey in a tweet as "a shame for the FBI" while predicting that he "would fall as the worst director of his long and proud history".

"It has dropped the FBI, almost all Republicans and Democrats thought it should be FIRED, but the FBI will regain some grandeur thanks to the great men and women who work there!" he added.

These remarks constituted the last salvo in the couple's twisted relationship and occurred exactly two years after Tryp's dismissal of Comey, the law enforcement official who was leading the federal inquiry at the time. on the Trump campaign and the interference of Russia in the 2016 elections.

Comey testified at his appearance that he had "no doubt" Trump would have been charged with obstructing himself as he was not president, adding that the Department of Justice should consider "serious" the question of whether he should or should not prosecute after leaving his post.

"I do not know if it's a good thing to do to a former president, it's a tougher question – a much bigger question – than the facts of the case," he said. Comey.


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