Trump thanks the conspiracy theorist for defending his remarks about Jewish Democrats


Trump quoted Wednesday morning the praise of Wayne Allyn Root: "President Trump is the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just for the United States, he is the best president for Israel in the history of the world … and the Jewish people in Israel love it (…) as if he was the king of Israel. "

The tweets come one day after Trump received criticism from Jewish leaders for criticizing Jewish Americans voting for Democrats, saying "it shows either a total lack of knowledge or a great disloyalty."

Some claim that the president was paddling in the antisemitic trope of "double loyalty", which calls into question the loyalty of Jewish citizens. This comment was part of the president's response to the ban on two women parliamentarians from Congress entering Israel for their support to boycott the country.

Trump's indignant Jewish leaders say Jews are disloyal when they vote for Democrats
Trump has already shared the praise of Root, the "highly respected" caller in November 2015 tweet and sharing several articles of opinion that he has written over the years.
But Root, Newsmax host and radio host, has always practiced conspiracy theories and spread false information. Root said that former President Barack Obama "was sent here to destroy this country". He asserted that the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017 was "clearly" a "Muslim-coordinated terrorist attack" and that the deadly violence at the Charlottesville, Virginia protests was likely perpetrated by "paid actors and infiltrators hired by "mega-democratic Democrat George Soros.

"No conservative I've met is committing violence," he added.

Less than a year after mistakenly blaming Islamic terror for the Las Vegas shootout, Root delivered an opening speech at a Trump rally in Las Vegas. At the time, Root claims he was "personally invited" to speak by the president.

Trump reaffirmed his comments after being questioned about the critics on Wednesday afternoon. He said that Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats "are very disloyal to the Jewish people and … very disloyal to Israel and only the weak can say anything other than that."

In the mid-term elections of 2018, Jewish Americans voted for the Democratic Party with a margin of about 3: 1. According to exit polls, only about 10% of Jewish voters would be Republicans, compared to 64 % of Democrats.


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