Trump tweet support for extreme right figures banned by Facebook | American News


Donald Trump criticized social media companies after Facebook banned a number of far-right personalities, stating that he "was watching and watching closely !!"

The president, who tweeted and retweeted complaints, including complaints from right-wing personalities on Friday and Saturday, said he would "monitor the censorship of US citizens on social media platforms."

On Saturday, Trump tweeted harsh criticism from leading news outlets such as the Washington Post and the New York Times, while criticizing social media platforms for banning Internet editors from an important site dedicated to the American conspiracy theory, Infowars.

Trump has retweeted several tweets denouncing the social media bans emanating from an Infowars editor, as well as right wing activist Lauren Southern, who was banned from appearing. entered the United Kingdom for being deemed "unfavorable to the public good".

Southern was part of a far right expedition of 2017 that hired a ship to try to interfere in the rescue operations of refugees in the Mediterranean.

Trump has already said that social media companies were biased against the Conservatives, which companies dismissed as false. His comments came after Facebook banned this week Louis Farrakhan, Infoars host Alex Jones and others, claiming they had violated the ban on "dangerous individuals" ".

The company also removed far-right provocateurs Milo Yiannopoulos and Laura Loomer, as well as Paul Nehlen, a white supremacist who had organized an unsuccessful congressional candidacy in 2018, as well as Jones' website, Infowars. The latest bans apply to both the Facebook mainframe and Instagram and also apply to fan pages and other related accounts.

Trump appeared on Infowars in 2015, during his election campaign to the Republican presidency, and paid tribute to Alex Jones. "Your reputation is incredible. I will not let you down, he says.

Facebook's action signaled a renewed effort by the social media giant to eliminate individuals and groups promoting objectionable material such as hatred, racism and anti-Semitism.

The company stated that it had "always banned" individuals or groups who proclaimed a violent or hateful mission or engaged in acts of hatred or violence, regardless of their political ideology.

On Twitter, Trump cited a number of people who, he said, were unfairly treated by social media companies, including Watson and actor James Woods. He insisted that "the media is becoming more and more eager for the Conservatives!"

Woods, one of Hollywood's bravest conservatives, has blocked his Twitter account. Twitter spokeswoman Katie Rosborough said Woods should remove a tweet violating the rules of the platform before it can be reinstated.

Several media reported that the tweet breaking the rules of Twitter referred to the Mueller report and included the phrase "#HangThemAll".

Trump tweeted, "How is it possible that James Woods (and many others), a strong but responsible conservative voice, will be banned from Twitter?" Social media and fake media The media, with their partner, the Democratic party, have no idea of ​​the problems they are facing.This is REALLY UNJUST! "

Rosborough said that Twitter applies its rules "impartially to all users, regardless of their origin or political affiliation".

Trump, who uses Twitter a lot to get his message across, recently met with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey at the White House after attacking the company and complaining that he was not treating him properly because he was a Republican. He later described it as a "big meeting".

Trump had more than social media in the lead on Saturday. He also tweeted that he was hoping for an agreement with North Korea on his nuclear program, as well as an improvement in his relations with Russia, now that he has the feeling that he "s in the middle of the day. Special advocate investigation is behind him.


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