Trump tweets about voter ‘fraud’ at G-20 opening meeting


Leaders gather for virtual G20 summit on November 21

Photographer: Yves Herman / AFP / Getty Images

As leaders around the world began a virtual summit on issues ranging from the coronavirus pandemic to climate change, Donald Trump’s thoughts were elsewhere – on fighting the US election.

The president kept his head down, looking at something on his desk out of sight during a nine-minute speech on Saturday by Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz, who greeted countries attending a meeting of the Group of 20 hosted by his kingdom. Speeches and images from other leaders were broadcast live on the official G-20 website.

Then, moments after the monarch finished his speech, Trump tweeted to comment on a meeting with Republican leaders in the Michigan state legislature. He promised: “We will show massive and unprecedented fraud!”

Optics underscored Trump’s disinterest in such forums. After a flurry of tweets, he made his own remarks before leaving the virtual session and heading to his golf course near Washington, DC Trump has only appeared in public occasionally since his election defeat, although he continues to insist that he has won and has long pursued legal strategies to cling to power.


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