Trump vows ‘more money for RINOS’, encouraging donations to his PAC instead


Former President TrumpDonald Trump US and South Korea reach agreement on cost-sharing for Graham troops: Trump can make GOP bigger, stronger, or he ‘could destroy it’ Biden appoints female generals whose promotions would have been delayed under Trump PLUS encouraged donors to donate money to his Save America PAC instead of Republicans whom he dubbed “RINOS” in another departure from traditional GOP campaign operations.

“More money for RINOS,” Trump said in a statement Monday night, referring to “Republicans in name only.” “They only hurt the Republican Party and our great electoral base – they will never lead us to greatness.”

“Submit your donation to Save America PAC on,” the statement continued. “We are going to bring it all back stronger than ever!”

The statement came days after Trump’s lawyers sent a cease and desist letter to the Republican National Committee (RNC), the Republican National Senate Committee and the Republican National Committee of Congress to stop using his name. and its image for fundraising and the sale of merchandise.

The three groups represent the largest fundraising organizations for the GOP.

The RNC responded on Monday and said the fundraising arm has the right to use Trump’s name and likeness in his efforts.

RNC chief counsel Justin Riemer wrote in a letter that the party “has every right to refer to public figures when engaging in grassroots political discourse protected by the First Amendment, and it will continue to do so in pursuit of these common goals.

The former president also increased criticism from Republicans who voted to convict him of inciting insurgency, vowing to travel to Alaska to campaign against the senator. Lisa MurkowskiSenator Lisa Ann MurkowskiGOP defends Cheney, Murkowski after Trump berated Trump vowed to travel to Alaska to campaign against GOP Murkowski votes in unison against COVID-19 PLUS relief bill (R-Alaska), who voted to convict Trump in the Senate impeachment trial.

Trump lambasted the Wall Street Journal last week for his op-ed calling on Republicans to step down from the former president. The newspaper editorial highlighted the Republican Party’s electoral losses under Trump, including the House in 2018 and the Senate this year.

“They are fighting for the RINOS who have so seriously injured the Republican Party”, he said said in a press release. “This is where they are and this is where they always will be. Fortunately, no one cares much about the Wall Street Journal editorial anymore. They have lost great credibility.

The decisions of Trump and his team come after he ruled out the possibility of forming his own political party during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, where he also teased a potential 2024 presidential race.


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