Trump warned against "wolf packs" of criminal teenagers, undermining his recent critics of Biden


Trump's criticisms of Biden are being negated by the positions he has taken in his 2000 book "The America We Deserve". Trump wrote in his book that he was in favor of a harsher sentence and street police and that he was warned of "wolf groups" of young criminals wandering the streets, citing a discredited statistical analysis since that would be linked to the crime theory of "super predator".
In a pair of tweets sent Monday during his trip to Japan, the president wrote"Anyone associated with the 1994 crime bill will have no chance of being elected." He addedSuper Predator was the term associated with the 1994 crime bill that Sleepy Joe had so actively involved in the passage.It was a dark period in American history, but Sleepy Joe is excused? No! "

Trump has been criticized for his criticism, including by some of his Democratic rivals, for his role in shaping the law on the control of violent crimes and the enforcement of the law in 1994. This bill strengthened law enforcement across the country. for new police officers and jails and tightening federal sentencing guidelines Critics of the law, who were widely supported by Democrats at the time, say it contributed to the era of the mass incarceration that disproportionately affects the African-American community.

Trump did not specifically address the crime bill in his book, but his positions in the book echo much of the rhetoric in favor of the bill at the time of its passage.

"President Trump has never supported the catastrophic crime bill of 1994, which disproportionately incarcerated black Americans, and he has never used the term" super predators ". the facts tell the story, "said Trump campaign spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany. McEnany also pointed out that Trump had signed a major bipartisan criminal justice bill that reduced certain mandatory minimum sentences and gave judges more discretion in sentencing.

Years before focusing on Biden, Trump, during the 2016 presidential campaign, attacked Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for her previous use of the term "super predators" to describe the young gang members who were thought to be the only ones in the world. they had neither conscience nor empathy. The term refers to a long-standing theory of discarded crime that predicts a skyrocketing number of violent youth in the new millennium, resulting in an increase in crime.

Trump did not use the term "super predator" in his book, but Trump's statistics and assertions are related to theory and his former supporters of the theory.

The sentence was invented by criminologist John J. Dilulio. Dilulio quoted the work of James Q. Wilson – a criminologist who devised the theory of keeping order on "broken windows" and which Trump cites in his book as his "favorite crime expert".
Wilson wrote that Americans "rightly believe" the possibility that innocent people are shot randomly, without warning and almost without reason, by young people who then show us blank faces and no apparent appearance. ferocious and pre-social ". He predicted, by the year 2000, "there will be a million more people between the ages of 14 and 17 than today," adding that "six per cent among them will become high-rate offenders – 30,000 young assailants, murderers and thieves we have now. "

Trump supported the theory in his book, claiming that teenage crime is on the rise in the 2000s.

"Most serious crime experts believe that rates will skyrocket early in the year 2000 as there will be more teenage boys and teenage boys are particularly dangerous," Trump wrote. "Many of these boys do not have a father, all they have is a mother, and that mother might be a teenager herself, and as everyone knows, a single mother is going to have a mother. struggling to control a normal boy, especially when he reaches the age of strutting. "

Trump continued, where he warned of wandering "wolf packs" of teenagers that would wreak havoc.

"A government study on crime in America warns that when the male adolescent population increases in the early next century, packs of wolves will roam the streets, not just in the downtown core. kids look like those who have terrorized urban America in recent years, we are in a really bad time, "added Trump.

Like Trump, Dilulio wrote in an article in the Weekly Standard in 1995, "The Coming of Super Predators" that it was proven that "minors were committing acts of homicidal violence in" groups of wolves "." But instead of increasing, juvenile crime rates have collapsed and Dilulio finally admitted that the "super predator" theory was wrong.

Earlier in his chapter on crime, Trump also supported other crackdowns on crime in the 1990s by writing: "If you're not hard at fighting crime, you're a enemy of the American dream ". Citing the theories of an imminent peak of crime, Trump pleaded for the jail of more people.

"No, the problem is not that too many people are locked in. It's that we do not have enough criminals locked up," Trump wrote.

Trump also mentioned his support for the death penalty in the book, citing in particular the case of "Central Park Five". The case concerned five colored teenagers who had been wrongly accused and convicted for beating and raping a woman in Central Park. Trump bought ads from one page in several newspapers in New York City, in which it reads "Bring back the death penalty, bring our police!"

"In one way or another, I started to hear about great sympathy for the young men, they had been so brutalized by the system, did anyone said, that they could not be held entirely responsible for the crime, "wrote Trump. "I took a whole page in The New York Times to protest and say that the death penalty would be the appropriate way to treat young men if the woman died." The number of politicians who have called for sympathy but who refused to take similar public stance.They were afraid to offend some of their constituents.This is the answer of career politicians today. "

Trump also twice praised the anti-crime policies of New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani in New York. The city of New York under Giuliani adopted the theory of keeping the order "broken windows" – the idea that the application of severe punishments for minor crimes like graffiti and vandalism would deter more serious and serious crimes. Trump attacked those who wanted harsher sentences for those convicted of crimes.

"[U]If we do not advocate strict anti-crime policies, they will be replaced by policies that focus on the rights of criminals as compared to ordinary citizens, "said Trump. Moderate sentences are based on the thesis that criminals are the victims of society. Many high-ranking people really believe that criminals are victims. And they do not like the methods that have proven themselves in the fight against crime. At the time of writing this book, in my hometown, protests against the difficult (and effective) policies of Mayor Giuliani against crime. I count some of my friends among the protesters. But they sing a siren song. "


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