Trump wax figure removed from Texas display after visitors attacked it – reports | Donald trump


A wax figure of Donald Trump has been removed from a wax exhibit display after visitors continue to attack him, local US media reported.

“When it comes to a highly political figure, attacks can be a problem,” said Clay Stewart, regional manager for Ripley Entertainment, owner of Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas.

According to the San Antonio Express News, the figure of the former US president had deep gashes inflicted by museum patrons who scratched and punched him.

Stewart told Express News: “We’ve always had problems with the presidential section because whoever the president – Bush, Obama, or Trump – they’ve all seen people beat them. Obama’s ears have been torn off six times. And then Bush’s nose was pierced.

This is not the first time that a statue of a member of the Trump family has been degraded. A statue of ex-first lady Melania Trump in her native Slovenia has been removed after being set on fire by vandals.

In a statement, Suzanne Smagala-Potts, public relations manager for Ripley Entertainment Inc, said the company lacks political leanings and redressing its public figures is common.

“When a wax figure has been damaged, we will remove it from public display and send it to our talented team of artists for repair,” said Smagala-Potts.


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