Trump will still not get his billions


AAs the Senate prepares to join the House to reprimand President Trump's emergency declaration asking him to seize money to build his wall, the President has misunderstood the message that Congress is not has not agreed to spend billions of dollars on gates on the southern border.

Nevertheless, Trump is ready to try again with his proven strategy of simply asking for money. Indeed, on Monday, the White House submitted to Congress the draft budget of the administration for 2020, which includes a request for $ 8.6 billion for funding the anti-border wall.

By comparison, the $ 8.6 billion contained in the new budget proposal is more than Trump hoped to achieve even when both Houses of Congress were controlled by Republicans. Indeed, the fight against the financing of the wall that caused the government's closure in December, before the House moved to the Democrats, exceeded $ 5.7 billion.

It is also more than what the current Congress is willing to give it earlier this year ($ 1.375 billion) and more than it is currently able to deal with its controversial emergency declaration (until $ 8 billion).

Maybe Trump is betting that the legislators have changed their minds, or that this time, they will yield to the wishes of the presidency. Anyway, these are bets he will lose. There is no other demand to convince Congress to increase funding for border security.

If Trump is serious about border security and thinks that the best way to do it is to build a wall, he would do well to start with the $ 1.375 billion already allocated and argues for the success of the new sections that he has. ;he builds. Or, if he is desperate to have the funding now, he would find a new way to ask for it – by first partnering with Congress to reach an agreement on the amount of funding possible.


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