"Trump's behavior was impenetrable," says Rep. Justin Amash


Representative Justin Amash became the first congressional Republican to demand the dismissal of the president based on the report of the special advocate Robert Mueller.

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Trump's self-identifying and frequently critical libertarian Republican exposed his "key findings" on Saturday, including his claim that "President Trump has been impenetrably driven" in a Twitter feed released Saturday after reading the report. full report redacted.

The special council has not established that the Trump campaign or any person associated with it has conspired or coordinated with Russia. Nor did he conclude that there was any possible obstruction of justice, preferring to leave this decision to Congress.

Amash said the 448-page report "identifies several examples" of the president's conduct "satisfying all elements of the obstruction of justice".

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not called for the impeachment but has left the door open, but Democratic leaders are reluctant to launch a conflict that would likely end with the president's acquittal by the GOP president.

In his long post, Amash said that partisanship hampers the checks and balances of our system.

"When loyalty to a political party or individual overrides the Constitution, the rule of law, the foundation of freedom, collapses," he said.

Amash has often been one of the few Republicans to want to call Trump when he thinks the president has crossed the line.

Amash was one of 13 Republicans to vote with the Democrats against Trump's national emergency to fund the border wall. Amash also took a different approach from that of his Republican colleagues in his interrogation of Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen. He asked Cohen more flexible and open questions instead of trying to delegitimize his testimony and criticize the Democrats.

Another of Amash's main conclusions according to the report written is that Attorney General Bill Barr has "deliberately distorted the conclusions" of Mueller.

"It is clear that Barr had the intention to mislead the public about the analysis and findings of the special advocate Robert Mueller," Amash wrote.

Attorney General Barr stated that he had determined that a case of obstruction was not warranted. In his statement to legislators, Mr. Barr pointed out that the report stated that "even if this report does not conclude that the president has committed a crime, he does not exonerate him either".

Last month, Amash said he did not rule out the candidacy of the libertarian president for the presidency in 2020.

Parkinson, Will Steakin, of ABC News, contributed to this report.


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