Trump's campaign mistakenly claims that Barr has revealed "illegal espionage" in an email sent to his supporters


Friday's Trump campaign sent a fundraising e-mail and several text messages to supporters who misquoted the Attorney General. William BarrWilliam Pelham BarrConservative Strategy: "Playful" to say that there was no Russian interference in 2016, a Manafort partner sentenced to three years probation without jail sentence comment spy PLUS, stating that he had confirmed the existence of illegal espionage " President TrumpDonald John TrumpJudicial Courts Order Trump Administration Continues Temporarily to Return Asylum Seekers to Mexico Federal Investigation Reveals Generalized Sexual Harassment in Trump Company-Led Company: Booker Report Trump would apparently have forgiven a border official: "This should shake all Americans"The election campaign of 2016.

In the e-mail sent Friday afternoon, the Trump campaign falsely claimed that "Attorney General William Barr said what the President has always thought: he thought that" illegal espionage had occurred "against Donald J. Trump's presidential campaign. "

Although Barr stated that there had been "spying" in targeting the Trump campaign in the 2016 election, he never concluded that the actions were unlawful, while stating that he could not draw such a conclusion.

"I think the espionage actually took place," Barr said this week at a Senate subcommittee hearing on the credits. "But the question is whether it was properly founded and I'm not saying it was not done well, but I have to explore that."

"I'm not saying that inappropriate monitoring has taken place, I'm saying that I'm worried about it and that I'm looking at it, that's all," he added.

The SMS sent to campaign supporters, reported for the first time by ABC News, also falsely claimed that Barr had concluded that surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016 had been carried out "illegally".

Former intelligence officials quickly reprimanded Barr's remarks this week, including the former FBI director. James ComeyJames Brien ComeyThe Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Assange's indictment adds a new legal and political drama to the DOJ According to the Attorney General, the Attorney General has undermined Trump's credibility. and former director of national intelligence James ClapperJames Robert ClapperClapper: Barr's espionage claim is "staggering and scary" The GOP is now focusing on investigations of Obama officials. Rand Paul blocks resolution calling for release of Mueller PLUS report.

"I do not know what he's talking about, so it's hard for me to comment," said Comey at a Hewlett-Packard conference.

"I thought it was both breathtaking and scary," Clapper added in an interview with CNN on Wednesday. "I was surprised at this and rather disappointed that the Attorney General said such a thing."

"The term" spying "has all kinds of negative connotations, and I have to believe that he's chosen it deliberately," Clapper continued.


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