Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara plans to run for the Senate in 2022 | Donald trump


The first Trump family member to announce a new candidacy may not be Donald Trump, the defeated President, his daughter and advisor Ivanka Trump or his eldest son Donald Trump Jr: it could instead be his step-in-law. daughter Lara Trump. .

According to the New York Times, Lara Trump, who is married to the president’s second son Eric, may be heading for a Senate bid in North Carolina.

“As [Donald] Trump is trying to overturn the election to stay in power, “The Times reported Thursday,” Ms. Trump, three allies said, told her associates she plans to run for the Senate in 2022 “in North Carolina, her State of origin.

Richard Burr, the senior Republican senator from North Carolina, is heading for retirement.

Lara Trump, 38, is a former personal trainer and television producer who married into the family in 2014 and has become the face of the Trump campaign’s online visual content.

“She’s very charismatic, she understands retail politics well and has a natural instinct for politics,” Mercedes Schlapp, a Trump adviser, told The Times. “In North Carolina especially, she’s a household name and people know her. She worked very hard on the campaign and was very involved in many decisions throughout.

Although Donald Trump has not conceded Joe Biden’s defeat – by 306-232 in the Electoral College and nearly 6 million votes nationwide – he will step down on January 20, at the Democrat’s inauguration in Washington DC.

Some observers expect Trump Sr to run again in 2024, when he turns 78. Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr have been widely discussed as potential candidates for New York mayor to president. But the Times said neither planned to run immediately, while Eric Trump, who along with his brother led the Trump organization while his father was in power, “never cultivated a political spotlight. , leaving the way open to his wife “.

The report also noted that one of Lara and Eric’s two children is named Carolina, named after her mother’s home state. Among other contenders for what will be a hotly contested Senate nomination, the newspaper named Mark Meadows – a former right-wing congressman who is currently White House chief of staff.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s 2016 campaign manager and longtime advisor, told the newspaper that Lara Trump would be “great” because “she connects with people and is a compelling messenger.”

A loyal substitute for her stepfather, Lara Trump is said to have offered silent money to Omarosa Manigault-Newman, after the former apprentice star left the White House at the start of Trump’s tenure.

During the election campaign, the president’s daughter-in-law showed no qualms about repeating her most scandalous and abusive statements. In addition to repeating the president’s baseless claims of electoral fraud and defending his attacks on Main Democrats, she both claimed Biden suffered from “cognitive decline” and made fun of his stuttering.

The latter intervention was widely reprimanded, including from Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the all-American airline pilot and hero who also stammered as a child.

In a Times column, Sullenberger wrote: “These words come without hesitation: stop. Grow. Show decency. People who cannot have their place in public life. “


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