Trump's fourth event and weekend of protest caused the bankruptcy of the DC security fund


President Trump On July 4, the celebrations cost the Washington government $ 1.7 million, an amount that, combined with police expenses for the weekend protests, led to the bankruptcy of a special fund that was used. to protect the capital from terrorist threats and provide security at events such as rallies and state funerals. .

In a letter to the president on Tuesday, DC Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) warned that the fund was now depleted and that it would post a $ 6 million deficit by September 30. The mayor also said that the account had never been repaid. for $ 7.3 million of expenses related to the inauguration of Trump in 2017.

Bowser has asked the White House to commit to repaying the fund in full.

"We are asking you to help us ensure that residents of the District of Columbia do not be asked to cover millions of dollars in federal spending and maintain our high standards of protection for federal events," she said. written.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Chris Rodriguez, director of the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, said in an interview that the estimated costs for July 4 were six times higher than those of previous years and that they should grow as the city continues to face the expenses.

The President's New Independence Day celebration, entitled "A Salvation in America," included a Trump speech at the Lincoln Memorial, military aircraft flyovers, and an armored vehicle exhibit in the mall. The changes fueled the president's protests on the occasion of a typical apolitical event, with activists flying a derisory Baby Trump balloon near the World War II memorial.

On Saturday, some of the president's supporters gathered at a rally organized by right-wing activists on the Freedom Plaza. This event also provoked a major counter-demonstration and hundreds of police officers were deployed to prevent violence between the two sides.

The District Emergency Planning and Security Fund is funded by federal funds that reimburse the city for its unique public safety costs as the nation's capital. These include ensuring security during presidential inaugurations, visiting foreign dignitaries and mass gatherings that occur periodically in the district.

Previously, the fund had large balances from year to year, but in the Trump era, the fund weakened. It has never been reimbursed more than $ 7 million of the $ 27.3 million of costs incurred by the city during the inauguration in 2017, city officials said.

White House officials said the district had agreed to use the unspent money from the emergency fund to pay the upfront costs, an assertion denied by the Bowser administration.

The Congress and the White House place each year in the account less money than the city invests. During fiscal 2017, for example, $ 14.9 million was added to the fund and $ 24.4 million was spent.

Bowser said in his letter to Trump that the December funeral of former president George H. W. Bush had also contributed to the depletion of the fund.

Last month, Del Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), District Non-Voting Representative to Congress, and Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) Wrote a letter to the House and Senate House Credit Committee Leaders, asking them to unlock an additional $ 6 million. put in the emergency fund.


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