Trump’s impeachment lawyer says colleague has been ‘unfairly maligned’


Castor’s speech on Tuesday occasionally snaked, touching on things like ancient Greek democracy and undermining Trump’s false claims that he won the election, saying “smart” voters removed him from office. Trump himself was not happy with the performance of the team.

Former Trump impeachment lawyer Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Tuesday that he had “no idea what [Castor] made “after the right-wing network cut its remarks.

“The American people deserve an argument… but this, just, after all kinds of very strong presentations from the directors of the House… that doesn’t sound like effective advocacy to me,” Dershowitz said. mentionned.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a longtime Trump ally, called Castor’s work “unthinkable” after Castor said the team had changed strategy because they believed those responsible of the impeachment of the House had done a good job.

“It’s a prosecutor’s dream come true, for a defense attorney to stand up at the opening and say, ‘Wow, isn’t that something? Boy, it was so powerful that we changed our strategy, ”Christie said.

Trump’s legal team wrap his case on Friday, Trump senior adviser Jason Miller wrote in a tweet Thursday, which means the team will use less than two days to defend him. Schoen told Fox News on Thursday that Trump’s team would not change their legal strategy on Friday.

“There is no reason for us to be there for a long time,” Schoen said. “It should be as short as possible given the total lack of evidence and the harm it causes to the American people.”


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