Trump's Incomplete Commercial Agreements – YouTube


In the election campaign, President of the United States, Donald Trump, boasted that no one was making a trade deal better than him.
But after more than two and a half years in office, Trump negotiated only one major agreement that was not approved.
In 2018, he withdrew the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). An agreement to replace it, known as the USMCA, has been signed but has not yet been approved by the US Congress.
Also at the recent G7 meeting, Trump announced an agreement with Japan on agriculture and e-commerce. But, until signed, even in Trump's words, there remains only one agreement.
China and the United States have increased their tariffs one after the other in a trade dispute that continues to intensify and threatens the global economy.

As Washington prepares to discuss trade talks with Beijing in September, Kimberly Halkett, of Al Jazeera channel, reviews the record of Trump's trade deal.

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