Trump's July 4 "hi to America" ​​cost the military $ 1.2 million, according to the Pentagon


$ 2.5 million diverted to fund the Trump event on July 4th

President Trump "Salute to America" ​​on July 4th The celebration cost the Department of Defense $ 1.2 million, the Pentagon told CBS News on Tuesday.

This figure does not represent the totality cost of the event for taxpayers, but this includes the cost of flying hours and transportation of tanks and combat vehicle platforms. A Pentagon spokesman said that the funding for the demonstrations came from the training budgets for the flight hours of the services, and that additional funds were used for the transportation of equipment.

The Pentagon said it has spent comparable amounts, if not more, for other events. The Pentagon noted that the week of the San Francisco fleet had cost $ 1.8 million in 2017 and that the Los Angeles fleet week of $ 1.6 million.

In 2018, the Pentagon noted that the army had conducted 44 overflights and the Marine Corps, 22 overflights.

Mr. Trump has been criticized for using taxpayers' money for the military rally, although he insisted on the cost "The cost of our great salvation in America … will be very little compared to this." that's worth it. " The Democrats also reproached him for having insisted on the military power of the nation on the day of independence.

The Department of the Interior would have embezzled $ 2.5 million in funds intended for national parks for the event.

David Martin contributed to this report.


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