Trump's trade war could cost him Texas and the presidency


ARepublicans in the Senate are waiting for Vice President Mike Pence to discuss trade with Mexico's Foreign Minister. A new Quinnipiac poll should shake the whole party at the moment.

Senator John Cornyn, R-Texas, who is about to be re-elected, may feel quite safe in his mandate. His net approval rate is double-digit, and Beto O 'Rourke, who was favored by Texas Democrats to abandon his presidential candidacy for Senate seat contestation, seems unlikely.

Trump 's net approval rating is from one point under water. He is running against Senators Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. Or Kamala Harris, D-Calif., He'll probably be fine.

But Quinnipiac discovered that former vice president Joe Biden would beat Trump – in Texas – 48% to 44%. This is greater than the error margin of the survey.

There are only eight months left before the super Tuesday and Biden has not even begun to fall for the attacks that the left is preparing for him. If Trump's economy continues to purr, it is quite possible that even if Biden wins the primary, he will be bad enough that the Texans decide not to change horses in the middle of the race.

But I would be much more confident in Trump's chances he was not threatening an expansion of the trade war that would paralyze relations between Texas and Mexico, his biggest export market.

If Trump actually took into account his initial 5% tariff threat against Mexico, Texas would probably lose 117,335 jobs, a revenue of $ 7.1 billion and gross proceeds of nearly $ 11.9. If he decided to raise tariffs to 25%, the state would pay tens of billions of dollars in taxes at the border.

Bringing a trade war to Mexico would not only cost the Texans dollars and jobs; it could shatter trade negotiations to fully accept the long-term agreement reached between the USMCA and the USMCA. If Mexico is inspired by Trump's endless trade war with China, they could pull out of the deal, which rots in the Democrats-controlled House.

If Trump has 4 points less than Biden in Texas while the economy is still hot, how much could he lose more than he torpedoed the state's economy? Would it be enough to silence Cornyn in advance and give the Democrats a free seat in the Senate?

The dreams of a global trade war envisioned by Trump may not just be a dreadful economy, but also a potentially disastrous political strategy. Republicans who threaten to derogate from its veto on tariffs could save not only their president, but also the entire Trump presidency.


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