Trump's video on Air Force One sparked ethical concerns


President Donald Trump released a video last week to mock the recent presidential campaign by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Sitting aboard Air Force One with the presidential seal visible on the window cover, Trump says to the camera"If you like high taxes and crime, you can vote for him, but most people do not care about that."

The video is Trump's latest incident in blurring the boundaries between his campaign efforts and the resources he had as president. Ethical Monitoring Group Political Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington tweeted after the publication of the video, it presented a possible infraction of campaig-finance.

"Beautiful political announcement filmed on Air Force One," said the group. "You must now legally reimburse the Treasury for the use of Air Force One during a political trip." Since you had no problem tweeting the video, you should not have trouble tweeting receipts when you repay taxpayers. "

Read more: The announcement of Bill Blasio's presidential campaign sparked intense anger and taunts at New York's failing public transportation system

Business Insider has previously reported that it costs around $ 200,000 per hour to operate Air Force One during a presidential trip.

Trump tweeted the video Thursday night as he was heading to a fundraiser in New York.

Paul S. Ryan, vice-president of policy and litigation at Common Cause, a non-partisan watch group, told The Washington Post that Trump's video on Air Force One was "totally inappropriate".

"It's against historic standards for a president to campaign with Air Force One," Ryan told the newspaper. "Most of the presidents have had enough respect for the office to try to separate the campaign from the official duties." Donald Trump is not such a president.

The president's term has seen an acceleration in the number of potential HAT complaints that prohibit executive officials from participating in certain political activities.

Although the President and Vice-President are exempt from the Hatch Act, a number of Trump associates, such as President Kellyanne Conway's advisor, have been investigated by the Office of the Attorney General. special.

"Senior officials have repeatedly violated the Hatch Act, so they have been reprimanded by the Special Council Office, but they continue to do so again and again," Ryan said. "The problem is that the president does not care about the laws on ethics."


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