Trying to find out if Browns fans really care what Hue Jackson says about 2018: Doug Lesmerises


CLEVELAND, Ohio – Are you reading this? Why? I feel like I’m writing this for people who’ll never see it, because I mean Browns fans shouldn’t care much about what former coach Hue Jackson says. So stop. Because it doesn’t matter.

But Mary Kay Cabot concocted a brief story about what Jackson said on a Cleveland radio station Monday, and it was from afar the most popular story on on Mondays and Tuesdays, which was read on those two days almost twice as much as anything else on the site. This includes those Dear Annie columns with the enticing headlines like, “How Should I Ask My Neighbor To Keep His Cat Out Of My Mailbox?” and “My wife’s Cheeto fingers are ruining our couch and our marriage.”

If you beat Dear Annie, you are popular. I’m wondering if there is a Google algorithm for unsuccessful trainers that nobody quite understood, because I’ll tell you, digital journalism is very interested in discovering algorithms. But I don’t think a title on Eric Mangini or Rob Chudzinski would do as well. Maybe I’ll write “Rob Chudzinski enjoys life as special assistant to the Boston College head coach” and see what happens. By the way, it’s real.

As part of my investigation, I put “Hue Jackson” in the old Google search to see what the web thinks of him and here are the first suggestions that were made:

Tequila Hue Jackson

Book by Hue Jackson

Hue Jackson interview

Hue Jackson saves the Browns

Hue Jackson’s current job

Extension of Hue Jackson’s contract

Actor Hue Jackson

I knew Jackson was writing a book, because promoting the book is the reason he does interviews. I didn’t know he had a tequila, but now he does. Jackson had a few tweets the other day that were interesting but he’s had it since. protected his account, but her Instagram is still open and four of her last nine Instagram posts are about Grand Leyenda Organic Tequila, of which Jackson is a managing partner. We also have a lot of people reading the stories when our fun tasters Brenda Cain and Yadi Rodriguez try 130 different frozen pizzas or eight grocery store rotisserie chickens, and I’ll suggest they add tequila tasting to their list.

The idea that “the Hue Jackson actor” is seventh on the search list makes me smile as I envision conversations like these taking place across the country:

“Who is this guy playing Wolverine?”

“Hue Jackson.”

“No, the guy who sang and danced in the circus movie with Zac Efron.”

“Hue Jackson.”

“No, he’s Australian.

“Hue Jackson.”

“It was Jean Valjean at Les Miz.

“The wretches? Definitely Hue Jackson.”

I was initially reluctant to write about Jackson this time because I’ve written enough about him, and I’ve often been quite critical, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me, and I don’t want that. it gives me I stack. But I don’t write about Jackson, I write about you, because you read about him, either because you are interested in his opinion, or because the robots of the Google machine force you to read about him.

Jackson can say whatever he wants, and he seems to be let go to let it rip. He needs to make a living, so good luck with the book. It’s not the route many other Browns licensees have taken, but more power for him. There have been enough stories in the past that relied on anonymous quotes and background information from former Browns employees criticizing the Haslam and Browns property in the same way, so Jackson properly account for it. rendering is admirable in some ways.

But also, it is unnecessary. Because:

1. The Browns’ plan that led to 1-31 worked. Jackson didn’t like it, but it laid the foundation for the current playoff squad.

2. Jackson feeling like he’s been lied to about the process is old news. He has already said it. In the end, he never made it to the front office, which hurt the franchise and his own job prospects.

3. He was not returned for 1-31. As he revealed on Monday, he got a contract extension in the middle of 0-16. This fact doesn’t make Jackson’s case stronger, it hurts him. If he had been released after 1-31 after coaching a team with less talent, he might have a point. But he had a third year and then he was fired when he made it clear he was not the coach to lead the team forward. They were 2-5-1 with him in 2018 and 5-3 without him.

So he crushes his ax as the Browns are a tree that has taken root and grows strong and tall. Jackson can’t cut that tree down. I don’t know why so many people read about him going after a few hits.

We wrote the original story because we write everything interesting about the Browns. For some reason, Hue is still popular. Good luck to him. But I finished trying to graft myself on him to have a few readers.

Also, check back later for some of the other stories I’ve planned this week:

“Hue Jackson ranks his 11 favorite root beers”

“X-Men Actors Whose Names Don’t Look Like Hue Jackson”

“Dear Annie: My cousin Cody is mad at his former football coach, but I want them to be friends”

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