TT Postscript: The curtain closes at the season while Woods (72) does not reach East Lake


MEDINAH, Ill. – The 2018-19 campaign of Tiger Woods ended Sunday in Medinah. Here is an overview of his last lap and a season that earned us his 15th major title.

• It was a 72 final with Woods and a weekend out of seven, seven under for a tie for a 37th. All week, his long game has been fantastic and his short game has been horrible. Listen to him! "My short match was very disappointing. I was not very good, "he said. "The most exciting part was the fact that I felt better than last week and that I'm able to fly the big driver. I got rid of his eyes. I hit him a long time straight and it was fun. "

• Looking for eight FedExCup standings earlier this week, Woods lost ground for four days in Medinah. As a result, he will not return to East Lake, the site of his breakthrough last year. His season is over after only 12 events. "It's disappointing," he said. "I would have liked to be able [made it]. Last year was a special moment for me. It was nice to go, but I'm going to watch the guys on TV. "

• He will take part in a fall tour at Zozo in Japan, and that will be all. When asked how he would manage his free time, Tiger responded that he focused mainly on his fitness and on strengthening different parts of the body. Then he will start building for Japan. He will only make a competitive start before deciding whether to play the Presidents Cup.

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• So let's talk about it. To be honest, apart from the whole Masters story – of which we are all recovering again – it was a rather indeterminate year. Strangely enough, Augusta's victory completely changed the story, even though it should not have been the case. Because apart from this week – perhaps the best week of his professional life – he looked like a 43-year-old man with back problems. The real conclusion is that his body will not allow him to play as often or train as hard as he wants. So, he will probably continue to look rusty from time to time and have to withdraw from this strange event when his body simply tells him no.

• That said, Tiger Woods has always judged his years based on his performance in major tournaments. So, how did he evaluate his season in general? "It was very special to win my 15th major and get my fifth jacket. These are special moments and to be able to have such an opportunity – the rest of the tournaments, I did not really play as well as I wanted, but at the end of the day, it's me who carries the green jacket. . "

• I do not see a better way to end the situation. Until Japan …


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