Tuberculosis Case Confirmed at Fayetteville Village Christian Academy ::


– Health officials are investigating after a confirmed case of tuberculosis was reported at Fayetteville Village Christian Academy.

According to the Department of Public Health, officials were informed Tuesday that only one person in the school had been diagnosed with the disease.

The law requires that every case of tuberculosis reported be investigated, health officials said.

Health officials said school administrators used to inform parents, students and staff about the diagnosis and to contact a specific group of people likely to have been exposed.

"If it's important for students and staff to be aware of the situation, only a select group of people may have been exposed and no one is likely to suffer immediate health problems," said Duane Holder, Director. Interim Health. "Tuberculosis is a disease that usually develops over several weeks, or even months, and is completely curable with drugs."

Tuberculosis usually affects the lungs and can spread when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. Symptoms include a cough that lasts more than three weeks, unexplained fever, heavy perspiration at night, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, shortness of breath, chest pain and excessive tiredness.

Those who may have been exposed will be eligible for a skin test on March 6 at Village Christian Academy, 908 S. McPherson Church.

Anyone with questions about TB screening should contact the Department of Health at 910-433-3645.


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