Tucker Carlson: the biggest loser of the new college board rating is the middle class | Video


Tucker Carlson has stated that the new "adversity score" of the College Board for the SAT is a "pure reversal" of the intent of the test and makes the assessment of victimization in relation to success . Excerpt from the Thursday edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on FNC:

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS: The College Board adds a new score to the SAT. It does not measure reading, grammar, math, or any other academic subject. Instead, the new category is called "adversity score". It will award a mark of zero to 100 to students based on the degree of privilege that the College Board considers to have. The formula is secret, of course. The people who invented it know that it is a pure pseudo-science and will never withstand public scrutiny. According to the Wall Street Journal, the test will calculate the privilege based on 15 different factors. Some rely on neighborhood statistics, such as crime rates, poverty, and home values. A student's high school will provide other factors, such as the "rigor of the program" and the free lunch rate. And then, there are factors that concern a student's family, such as household income, and whether both parents live at home.

This is a pure reversal of the SAT's intention. From day one, most of the test was that your background did not matter. It was designed to create as fair playing conditions as possible. Everyone did the same test. The ranking was blind. It does not matter where you come from. Nobody thought that the SAT would make everyone the same. It is impossible. Some people have natural advantages over standardized tests, and will always have. You can not change anything, or make everyone big enough to play in the NBA. What you can and should do is to ensure fairness: everyone deserves the same rights. Everyone should be kept at the same level. This is the most fundamental promise of America.

College Board explicitly rejects this. On the new SAT, it's not the capacity that counts. This is your position in the hierarchy of privileges. It is not hard to imagine the bad effects. According to the new standards, if you have worked hard to stay married for the sake of your children, your children will be punished for it. David Coleman is the left-wing social engineer who runs the College Board. He is also the genius behind Common Core. He explains that the new standards are designed to address, quote, "the wealth disparities reflected in the SAT". But it is not necessary for the SAT to get a perfect score to guess who will lose under this system: the middle class. They have been told that America is a meritocracy: work hard, offer sacrifices to your children and you will be rewarded. People like David Coleman know it's not true. They make the rules. They benefit from corruption. They fill their children's apps with fake extracurricular programs. They are a new legacy to benefit from the Jim Crow racial discrimination system on college campuses. The new SAT will only increase the possibilities of playing with the system. For example, the College Board plans to assess the privilege based on the home address. Parents are already using fake addresses to send their children to public schools of choice. Why will not they use fake neighborhood addresses to give their children an advantage when they enter university? Of course, they will do it. English proficiency, household income, and family education levels are also factors. Prepare to lie a lot on these topics too. Would not it be easier to reward children who know English and math better? That's what you would do if you care about the equity or the future of your country. You would insist on success rather than victimization. Our decadent elites do not care, so they do the opposite.


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