Tulsa, Mississippi, brawl after Armed Forces Bowl


A massive brawl erupted in the moments after the Armed Forces Bowl Thursday, spoiling Mississippi State’s 28-26 victory over Tulsa in Fort Worth, Texas.

It’s unclear what sparked the fight, which included kicking and punching and involving multiple members of both teams. What started with a few scrambles near the midfield during the post-game handshake has spread to and across the sideline.

“It’s stupid. The root of it’s stupid, whatever the root. The root of it’s stupid and the continuation of it’s stupid,” said the Mississippi state coach Mike Leach. “I would have that solidly in the idiot category. Now where the stupid started, I’m not quite sure.

Tulsa coach Phillip Montgomery also didn’t provide a reason for what sparked the fight.

“The only thing I’ll say is our schedule, our guys, we’re a team that’s going to defend and we’re going to fight,” said Montgomery. “We talked about faith, family, football and family is going to take care of the family. We are a team that has fought all year. We fought again today and this point of view our guys will continue to protect themselves. and go from there. “

Leach said a group of players from Tulsa were circling the Mississippi state pre-game warm-ups and “talking,” but wouldn’t speculate further on what could have caused things to escalate.

“I haven’t seen enough movies or anything like that to get us out of this completely,” Leach said.

After the pre-game incident, the game was hectic. The teams combined for 18 penalties.

Tulsa safety Kendarin Ray was seen being helped off the field as things calmed down.

“I think he probably has a version of a concussion and we’ll leave it at that,” Montgomery said.


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