10 golden rules to protect cork foot


Department of Dermatology Memorial Antalya Hospital Uz. Dr. Lutfia Shepherd gave information on fungi and treatment methods that can reach disturbing dimensions, especially in women during the summer months.

Dry your feet after the blanket

The fungus is a skin disease. Mushrooms are more common in the summer months, especially since they focus on the common use of open, hot, and humid places. In addition to outdoor environments, fungi that are in the form of spores on the skin can also cause infections under appropriate reproductive conditions. Leave the feet wet after the banyod, sweating with increasing temperature and nausea are the factors that trigger the formation of fungal fungi.

Repeated if not treated

The foot fungus is the first to be reported with itching.

The use of non-sterile manicures and pedicure equipment may be a cause of fungi, while common pools, showers, If the mushroom is formed in the nail, under the sculpture of the # 39; nail, crumbling, thickening, color change occurs. Such an infection must be treated absolutely.

The effect and duration of treatment vary among individuals.

Cream and bomb treatments for standing mushrooms may be applied. Duration of treatment and side effects vary depending on the form and type of treatment.

Take care to protect your feet from summer mushrooms

  1. Take care of your sweaty feet [196590002]] Wash your feet every day.

  2. Do not wear long, tight shoes

  3. Avoid wearing closed shoes, alternatively wear several pairs of shoes

  4. Do not put shoes on wet ground

  5. In public sports centers [19659011] Do not leave without sliding in a crowded pool

  6. Make a pedicure wherever you are sure that it is sterile

  7. Change your socks everyday.

  8. Do not use the towels and shoes of other people.

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