10 nutrients that help lose weight


When you eat 12 apples or 2 cups of oatmeal in one sitting, you are definitely overwhelmed and you can not eat anything for a long time. However, some foods create exactly such an effect and it is possible to lose weight by staying with these foods for a long time. Dietary and Diet Specialist Dilan Eker yer The foods you eat to lose weight contain fewer calories, take up more room in the stomach and stay there longer to ensure a feeling of saturation. The amount of pulp and protein in a fattening, the volume of food and the amount of water it contains are the most important factors in the sensation of saturation. Dilan Eker, expert in nutrition and dietetics, has developed important warnings and recommendations.

1. eggs

Eggs are a miraculous nutrient, rich in protein, nourishing and having a powerful effect on the feeling of satiety. A full egg contains the 9 amino acids that your body can not produce, and these amino acids trigger the release of suppressive hormones for appetite in your intestines after ingestion.

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal with high fiber content and high water absorption capacity
a high grain full. Soluble fiber, such as beta-glucan in oatmeal, intensify by drawing water into the stomach.

3. Lean meats

Proteins that are found in large quantities in meat, chicken, turkey and fish and which have the longest macronutrient of the tenacity period. ghrelin and GLP-1, such as toughness on hormones. Red meat and low-fat, high-protein red chicken / turkey breasts are high in protein and low in fat, reassuring and reassuring for longer.

4. Sweet potato

Did you know that 1 cup of boiled or baked sweet potato 1 is the same calorie as thin slices of bread? The sweet potato, rich in antioxidants, helps you stay tighter longer and eat less at the next meal compared to other high energy foods with high water and pulp content.

5. Legumes

Dietary and dietary expert Dilan Eker iller Herbal protein sources such as chickpeas, beans, lentils, black-eyed peas are powerful weapons for resistance. These are sources rich in protein and protein. At the same time, thanks to their resistant starch content, they help sugar to slow down the blood circulation compared to other carbohydrates.

6. Green leafy vegetables with sulfur

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, arugula, parsley and sulfur-related vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli contain a lot of pulp and water. These vegetables, which have a high volume and a very low energy, are one of the most important nutrients for losing weight and achieving strength. It also takes a long time to consume and cut vegetables. The consumption time is therefore longer. We consume fewer calories longer and we feel more saturated.

7. pineapple, apple and orange

Since fruits contain large amounts of water and pulp, they have much more space in the stomach than in the same calorie juice or dessert and they contribute to the feeling of saturation. The water and saturation levels of pineapple, apple and orange are particularly high. If you wash the apple with plenty of water and peel the orange, you can take more and eat it longer by consuming the shell with the white stamen that is thin.

8. Yogurt

Yogurt, a good source of protein, also helps reduce fat around the abdomen and stay dry for a long time thanks to CLA masiyi conjugated linoleic acid. Studies show that waist circumference and body mass indexes of yogurt consumers are consistently lower.

9. Buckwheat, quinoa, bulgur

Whole grains, such as buckwheat, quinoa and bulgur, contain more protein than other grains. These low glycemic whole grains help activate the hormones that suppress the appetite in the intestine by the pulp that they contain. When they are replaced by white flour, bread or rice and consumed in portion control, they contribute to tenacity and weight loss for a long time.

10. curd cheese

Expert in nutrition and dietetics Dilan Eker isi Lor The cheese content of cheese and its energy in relatively low protein content Kontrol Curd cheese, which is also an important source of calcium, helps you to feel more intense and to control your body. longer, thanks to its high protein content and high volume.

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