Some of the games in the series we used to play in the past are now well determined. Production companies, instead of tasting everything, have chosen to stretch stories and games like rubber. We have now compiled games that should end.
While some game series still keep a new perspective on the story, some are only profitable. Players can easily feel this situation in many games. Unlike the first games as much as the game is not thought of, unlike a beautiful game that only reveals the name of the series, each new game continues.
10. Mass Effect:
Mass Effect: Andromeda was not a bad game, but it was not good enough to meet expectations. Unfortunately, the game did not reach its goal with the new characters. While BioWare's efforts to bring the series back are admirable, it is sometimes necessary to leave them in place.
9. Five nights at Freddy Nightss
Five Nights at Freddy's was so loved because he brought a new perspective to the horror games when he released his first piece. After this success, the developers released a new game. This move was also very logical, but the developers of the game, who transformed the game into five FNAF by launching the game officially against spam. Even if no one asked for the new game, you could see a new FNAF game in a few months. When you see a thousand times the same horror scene, the game is more terrible.
From August 2014 to July 2018, we attended 6 games in total. This series is supposed to continue …
8. Sonic:
The Blue Hedgehog Sonic is definitely one of the popular classics. Everyone has played a Sonic game at least once. The games were very nice and a lot of people really had fun with Sonic games. Of course, it's nice to taste any eski With the new games, all the games have become copies of each other and the old air of the Sonic world has completely disappeared.
7. Tomb Raider:
If you think that the adventures of Lara Croft started on PlayStation 1 in 1996, you can understand why the game should not continue. As the game presents a similar story in different forms and presents it to us, the effect of the series began to diminish. Although we are one of the most powerful female characters in video game history, we believe that Lara Croft should now be withdrawn and replaced by another person.
6. Metal Gear:
Hideo Kojima, Konami's after having separated the mind of the Metal Gear series would not have been mistaken. Although a team is trying to bring back what Kojima brings, it can not be said that she has accomplished this task. When the person who writes, manages, builds and draws the parts, the series drops in terms of quality.
5. FlatOut:
The game that answers the question of how many different ways to break a car has stopped trying. Although the Bugbear Entertainment FlatOut series has shown a very different concept in the first two games, this gives the signal that it is now difficult with the last two games. Bugbear seems to have left this series because the latest games are not so popular, but we are not sure yet.
4. Resident Evil:
We must make a statement before discrediting the Resident Evil series. Those who are surprised by this game will probably say that the game is really good. We agree with you, but here we are opposed to the fact that games always have the same name. If you watch Resident Evil 7, you will find that the game has nothing to do with previous games. If the game, which had no connection with the story, would have been featured in a different series, maybe it would not have been on our list, but Resident Evil could not save us from our list because it was so obvious that it was now a profit.
3 The Sims:
This is a series that is even known for games, Sims. It's not as fun to build our own home and family and do what we want with them. Sims' dan enjoy some games during the new games come back as a rehearsal. Plus, you're really bored after creating a family for the fifteenth time and establishing a home. Of course, with the exception of graphics enhancements and price tags, the game remains the same.
2. Pro Evolution Soccer:
How many of you still have PES 2013? We are in 2019 and until now, 6 new PES games did not reflect the impact of the 2013 game. Last year, PAMS hit hard at the producer of FIFA, EA, Konami . With his unlicensed teams, leagues and players, he has moved away from realism. Konami has published a free version of PES with its own internal economy.
1. Call of Duty:
The Call of Duty series has been available for 15 years and 15 Call of Duty games. In addition, in this number, countless mobile games and DLC have no place. If we include zombie games, we find 25. Several times, II. Second World War, the Cold War, possible III. Running World War II, has now begun to taste the pumpkin. The game has come to such an extent that Call of Duty has even had a parody game. The parody game will not work well. Activision continues to release the Call of Duty series without slowing down.
We now come to the end of the content that we have listed in the series of games that have started to taste the pumpkin. You can share the games that you think should be included in the list with the comments section.
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