& # 39; Low after separation & # 39; – News Magazine


İbrahim İdo, the singer of Tatlıses, went on stage at the Azka Hotel the day before. Ido, who has recently become extremely weak, said the effect of leaving his beloved Yasemin Şefkatli at the time of his weight loss: "I can not eat a lot, so I am a little weaker .. Isot's diet … He said: "The songs of this year are being demolished, in fact it's a good thing, our work is getting harder and harder everyone is making an effort to do something good. Stating that the criticism he received motivated him, "I think criticizing is a good thing, not a bad thing". Ido, who started the program saying, "Everybody raises their hand, does not find their beloved ones who do not raise their hands, abandon those who are in love." Ido surprised the listeners by telling them about his father Ibrahim Tatlises. [ad_2]
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