E-sports, which now has millions of followers, opted for mobile platforms. Millions of dollars are awarded in mobile gaming tournaments.
E-Sports (Electronic Sports), which began with its debut, began in the '80s with players going into arcade rooms, spending time together and playing each other against each other. In the following years, the personal computers marketed over the years allowed players to compete at home through the Internet.
In this article, we have listed 6 games that can be included in E-Spor on a mobile platform. Each game is playable on iOS and Android platforms, and you can download games from the link below.
5. Mobile captions:
Mobile Legends, that of the mobile platform League of Legends, surprises everyone with its nearly 200 million users. The interest in Mobile Legends is big enough. You can also create your own skills by participating in Mobile Legends, where games last an average of 10 minutes.
4. Clash Royale:
Clash Royale continues to be one of the most discussed games in E-Sports. Clash Royale's integrated purchases start at 4.99 TL and reach 699.99 TL. If you like strategy games, you will love the gameplay of Clash Royale.
3. fireplace stone
Hearthstone is the game of Overwatch and Blizzard Entertainment, the producer of World of Warcraft (WoW). In fact, a card game, Hearthstone is not as simple as it seems. In this game where strategic intelligence clashes, hundreds or even thousands of possibilities must be evaluated at the same time, otherwise defeat is inevitable.
2. Fortnite
Fortnite, which has shown a strong acceleration since the day it debuted, reached 145 million players less than a year after its release. It currently has more than 200 million players. For Fortnite where you can fight by building structures, a different tournament is organized almost every week. Big tournaments are worth millions of dollars.
Note: Fortnite is not available on the Play Store on the Android platform. Android users can download the game from the official source by clicking here.
1. PUBG Mobile
What's on PlayerUnknown's PC platform for Battlegrounds (PUBG), which has lost its reputation for optimization problems, is not getting any better on the mobile platform. PUBG Mobile, which does not require any device with very high hardware features on the mobile platform, is played at 100 million. Players who are matched according to the league system of the game do not play with very strong or weak players.
With PUBG Mobile's built-in voicemail feature, especially if you play with your friends, we think you will not notice the rhythm of the hours.
We can not carry our computers anywhere, we can not use it in any environment. Mobile devices that can fit in our pocket can save lives in such cases. You can play these 6 games that you can play to entertain, enter tournaments, enter the highest player levels and host them on your device as games you can use to spend time at your moments .
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