In the last 16 rounds of the World Cup, France was defeated and the tournament learned that Jorge Sampaoli had resigned in Argentina. In the news reflected in the news of Arjanin, Sampaoli, who took responsibility for the failure, handed the resignation letter to the Federation after the match.
Sampaoli said that it was not ok to make radical decisions at a press conference after the match of France, but he said that he would take the good decision after a while. According to TNT Sports, Jorge Sampaoli has resigned from his post.
Jorge Sampaoli says that everything is so fresh and that he will not decide in a hurry: "We are experiencing great sadness right now.I do not want to make an urgent decision about the future of the team. "expressions used. (F.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? S, f
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