When is the Feast of Sacrifice? How many days to spend holidays? Here is the holiday calendar


According to the information contained in the calendar of religious affairs of the 2018 Presidency of Religious Affairs, the Feast of Sacrifice falls at the end of August this year. The first day of the Feast of Sacrifice will be held on Tuesday, August 21st. The Kurban Bayramı festival will begin for public employees on Saturday, August 18th.

There is no official announcement regarding the Kurban Bayram vacation in 2018 but this year weekends will be added to the holiday for 9 days. After August 24th, August 25th and 26th will be the continuation of the Feast of the Sacrifice for officers as a weekend party.

20 Monday (Half Day) on the Day of the Sacrifice (19659002) Tuesday, August 21st

2nd Day of the Bay of Sacrifice on Wednesday, August 22nd

Day 3 of the Bay of the Sacrifice Sacrifice on Thursday, August 23

Day 4 of the Bay of Sacrifice on Friday, August 24


Saffat on the 107th Hajj; Verses 27 through the maid, Hz. The Prophet (SA) is a constant worship with the practices and unity of the Islamic worlds. Our Prophet sacrificed from the second year until the death of Hijrahin. Our prophet, who cuts two sacrifices each year, cuts one for those who can not cut his people.


Sacrifice is the occasion for man to approach Allah and earn his compassion C & D Is a cult. This is the meaning of "sacrifice".

Sacrifice is another example of social solidarity and solidarity in Islam

Sacrifice is another example of social solidarity and solidarity in Islam as a sacrifice of Abraham and his salvation to God and his commandments. Every day in the world countless animals are slaughtered and most rich people benefit from it.

Sacrifice is not a tradition but a legitimately legitimate worship with books and circumcision. The sacrifice was made legitimate in the second year of Hijrah as zakat. While our Prophet (s) recommended the victim, they set an example by sacrificing themselves. According to the report of the Muslim, Enes (ra.) Said: "The Messenger of Allah, the two white rams, sacrificed.

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