& # 39; Crazy Turk & # 39; Acun Ilıcalı – YÜKSEL AYTUĞ


For the team Acun Illıcalı and Acun Media, perhaps the most difficult, but also the most proud of their lives, was behind.
In almost every day of the week in five different countries, it was enough to be a 'crazy Turk'.
The "Exhatlon" program of Acun Media (type "Survivor's purely performance-based"), which currently sweeps Mexico, is, in my opinion, a revolution in history of world television.

This Acun program is going to take the whole world, it will be a gladiatorial fight in the modern era and it will be very important as a contemporary television version of the Olympics
I have said the season was difficult
In Survivor, the Star team was formed, not only our volunteers, but even the Romans and Greeks.
Of course, the pleasure escaped, the volunteer rubbed it like a mop. The production team confiscated it, even if it was a bit late. Full "This job can no longer get rid of" denilirken, once again thrilling peaked, "Survivor" was kuruluv at the top of the scoring list.
One of the difficulties was not.
"Survivor" this season, Turkey grab the presidential and legislative elections excitement and the 2018 World Cup. I want to say, "stay in the shadows" is a big possibility.
But this is not the case. I watched the notes;
More than 250 comments coming on Acun's social media account on the last day showed that "Survivor's involvement" was a record.
I am sure the season
I said that it was the most difficult season and that the person who worked the most was Dr. Metin Kuş
The biggest names were suffered serious and long-term injuries during the most critical period of competition

And … Dominik's painful news, with one word, destroyed the entire team by making strawberries on the cake just for a very short time in the final.
(On this occasion, our young cameraman, Alper Baycın & # 39; s mercy of Allah, sad family once again, wishes the deep suffering of the Acun Media team to l & # 39; Inside Sadness and mourning, of course, have missed the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the finale.Kimseleren has not appreciated.Despite this, "Captain Acun", the ship knows the right approach to the wharf of Lima.I said
When it comes to the winner …
The questionnaire and the statistics that I've already shared in this corner tell me that Adam will win.
To win, (90% of the elections are still embarrassed by the polls?) Adam, I think he deserved it until the end the end of the championship.The names of Adam and Nagihan at the finals, according to me 'Survivor' from the Anatolian revolution is; As in the last elections … Anil and Hilmicem remain in the lead and l & # 39; 39; Conso Tourabi and Hakan by the spectators without coming to the finals is the expression of the desire that the Turkish people from the election war heard about "peace and security".

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