Tics, defined as movements and voices that appear to be involuntary, sudden, repetitive, resembling normal behavior, usually occur because they have not coped with stress during the day. ;childhood. Karayağız, teaching assistant: "Children with tics persist in isolation from the social environment over time and feel lonely. The success of medical therapies and therapies to make this psychological and social problem permanent does not occur. "
Karayağız states that genetic predisposition, hormonal factors, social learning and stressors are placed under ticks." In children of advanced age, factors such as stress are Examination and social anxiety can also cause this problem.In fact, an additional factor such as the combination of one or more of the factors and the last drop of pooling triggers disorders of the body. Children with persistent tears are abstracted from the social environment over time.Tic disorders in these children, whose reactions differ from those of normal children, occur at the age of 310 years "
Recalling that much of the tics seen in children disappeared spontaneously, Karayagiz said that punishments applied by parents and tics would be permanent if stressors persisted.
Stressing that medical therapies and therapies to be performed by specialists would be useful in tic disorders, Karayağız said: "If the stressor causing this problem is determined, the psychotherapy to be performed by an individual interview can be effective. It helps relieve the support and interest given to the child in order to reduce stress in case of increased stress. If the need is seen, this problem can often be overcome with group therapies in which the family is involved. In some cases, tears continue to be life in some adolescents at a rate of 510%. The younger the problem, the higher the success rate of the treatment. Teck disorders should definitely refer to a psychiatric clinic if it will affect the social, academic and psychological state of the child. "
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